So angry!!!!

So I really just need to vent right now.


I AM SO FREAKING PISSED OFF IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY!!!  I go to get in my car like two hours ago and as i go to start my car, I look up and see that my windshield is freaking cracked!!!!  It's bloody cracked!!  I just got it back from the shop on freaking Friday and haven't driven the damned thing since then, and when I do, I find out the bloody thing is cracked!!  I've already put in a good amount of money here to get the damn thing fixed several times and I was really wanting to sell the damned thing, now I have to have the windshield replaced before I can even think of selling this thing!!  I know it happened sometime between 6pm last night and sometime early this morning.  

Turns out my neighbors kids who were playing golf and last night were the culprits....... now I have to borrow their damn gas guzzler again!!!  I already put $74 into that gas guzzler, now I have to put more in!!  (It is an old chevy trailblazer and only gets like 18 miles to a gallons...........18.5 gallon tank........and guess what I have to drive a total of 60 miles a day to get to and from my freaking college!!!)

So, needless to say I am exceedingly pissed the off and really just want to get myself a new car and then invest in a protective bubble around the thing to protect it.  I'm also supposed to be going to Dallas on the 30th of May for a few days with a couple of friends, we are going to A-Kon 24 (an anime convention)......yay for spending crap tons of money before I get to go on another ing road trip!!!


Sorry for the rant everyone, but I really needed to get this off my chest before I ing explode and roll my car off the nearest cliff.


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