60 Questions People Don't Ask Survey {I was bored}

1. When was the last time you ran?
Friday. Shooting PT(physical training)

2. Do your jeans have rips, tears or holes in them?
I kinda hate jeans...

3. What are you dreading right now?
Tomorrow's math test. I didn't study at all for the whole weekend. doomed

4. Do you sing in the shower?
Only when I feel bubbly enough to do so

5. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep every night?
never, after I started school. You try singapore's education system, I dare you, try it.

6. If anyone of your friends came to your house randomly one day, what would you say?
you know my address?!!

7. Who last grabbed your ?
my shooting team mate, let's just call her W

8. Have you ever been on your school's track team?
oh please, I can't run for nuts.

9. Do you own a pair of converse?
yes, 2 pairs in fact.

10. Did you copy and paste this survey?
haha, you got me! but obviously...

11. Do you eat raw cookie dough?
yea, I was curious how it taste unbaked, surprisingly awesome.

12. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
yea, when it up my money and gave me nothing in return, worst thing is, those were the last of my coins available...

13. Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
that's why I don't listen to the radio anymore... DJ's nowadays talk too much..

14. Do you watch Top Gear?
no. never even heard of it before

15. How do you eat oreos?
3 standard steps, with milk;)

16. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
I don't think so...?

17. Are you cocky?
a little *ooops!* at least I think I am

18. Could you live without a computer?
I think so

19. Do you wear your shoes in the house?
I go barefooted

20. Who or what sleeps with you?
My pillow, blanket, iPod, boster...

21. At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
Never believed in him. hahaha. I'm chinese afterall, my parents just bring me out to buy presents. that's all.

22. How many house phones and mobiles are in your house?
I think... more than 7

23. What do you do when you're sad?
Listen to sadder music

24. Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
My grandma, "I finally beat you!"

25. Last time you saw your best friend?
Don't have one worthy being called a best friend just yet. Best acquaintance maybe..

26. Are you in high school?
idk. I'm part of SG's compulsory tertiary education (aka pre-u or junior college)

27 What jewelry are you wearing?
A necklace given by a good friend of mine.

28. Is anyone on your bad side now?
I never put anyone on my bad side since primary school(elementary school)?

29. What's the first thing you do when you get online?
Check aff for any story updates. or good blog posts.

30. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
nope, not aired here.

31. How do most people spell your name?
It's suppose to be shyan, but sometimes shuyan, shiyan, shayan. seriously...

32. Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
I love baggy tees anyways, so yes?

33. Where do you work?
As a barista, but I'm not telling where. It's just a part time job anyways...

34. What are you doing tomorrow?
School. and MATH TEST!!!

35. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
I... don't think so??

36. Favorite name for a girl?

37. Favorite name for a boy?
Herman << my friend's name. it's funny. when he really does get a girlfriend, I'll start introducing them like this: Hey guys, *points at friend* he's... *points at girlfriend* Her Man. hahahahahaha.

38. Will you keep your last name when you get married?
err... no, it's vulgar. LOL.

39. When was the last time you left your house?

40. Do you return your cart?

41. Do you have a dishwasher?

42. What noise do you hear?
Cars zooming by on the road right outside my flat.

43. Would you survive in prison?

44. Who is the youngest in your family?
My cute *cough cough* little brother

45. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likey overpack?
ME. I'm a Kiasu person...

46. Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
errr.. it's the same spelling, but it's only part of her name. pronounced differently. I'm special.

47. What's the last thing you purchased?
2 H&M shirt and a short

48. Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you?
When I force him to, but usually, no.

49. What brand are your pants right now?
FBTs (a standard commoner's sports brand in SG. It's like if you don't have those, you're not a singaporean kind of product. haha)

50. Ever been to Georgia (the state)?
I haven't

51. What irritates you most on the internet?
People complaining when it's clearly their own fault. and when i didn't save something(eg. a blog post) and accidentally closed the tab... 

52. What brand is your digital camera?

53. Do you watch movies with your parents?
I watch movies with whomever that's willing to join me. so yes.

54. What song best describes your life right now?
Go - by Lucite Tokki

55. Do you own expensive perfume/cologne?
It's given by my aunt... I don't use it though

56. Are you supposed to be asleep right now?

57. Do you like sushi?
YES YES YES!! like, crazily in love with that lump of rice and meat and wasabi

58. Do you get your hair cut every month?
I cut them every 2 months. It's too expensive to cut 12 times a year.

59. Do you go online everyday?
Yes. guilty as charged!

60. What kind of phone do you have?
Samsung Ace 2 :)

repost this as : 60 Questions People Don't Ask Survey.
kinda stolen this from her: kath_elf5hawol



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your name is so cool ; - ;

and the herman...otl xD

i have math test tmr too. stupid. and another physics one...about refraction/reflection. god. i'm still so damn confused about how it's supposed to move towards or away from the normal.

imma die. ; n ;

oh wait no. this was posted yesterday. so...how was your test? o u o.