will anyone read this?




hi so this is minhyuk of btob,

and i just want to say that i'm finally off my semi hiatus c:

i'll still be kinda busy but i'll try my best to be more active right now since i know i'm affecting the activity of the rp, so yeah for the sake of the rp and my friends here, i'll try my best to be active again! how does that sound? cool or not? no? okay OTL.. anyways, i don't even know if someone is really waiting for me to come back but yeah it's good to be back <3 so since i'm here, we can now start chatting and talking and spazzing and lovin' /winks/ just wallpost me and i'll gladly respond to everyone's wall post <3 Kamsahamnida and Hello again people! and oh! one more thing, i'm kinda drowned with wallposts so please expect a sloooowwwwww reply from me :( i'll try my best to reply fast! promise! okay i'll end my ranting here. I LOVE YOU ♥ /blows kisses




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welcome back ;,,;
/runs and hugs you
Welcome back *smiles brightly*
Heyyyy~ XD
"...i don't even know if someone is really waiting for me to come back..."

so, every time i was telling you how much i missed you i must've been talking to a wall. alrighty then. o/
Nice to meet you, I think we haven't met yet, I'm Chen~
Hi Minhyuk :D