Handwriting Game


AFF Handwriting Game.


*Rule: If you are tagged, you must do this handwriting game yourself! No cheating :)


1. Handwrite your name.


2. Handwrite all of your usernames used on AFF.


3. Handwrite where you live.


4. Handwrite your favorite number(s).


5. Handwrite three words that descibe yourself.


6. Handwrite the song that is stuck in your head right this second.


7. Handwrite the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the word 'bananas'.


8. Handwrite the first 10 words that comes to your mind right this second.


9. Handwrite your name with the hand you don't normally use.


10. Handwrite 'hello' in three languages.


11. Handwrite or hand-draw the first emoticon/smiley that comes to your mind right this second.


12. Handwrite a short message to 5 people that you're tagging.



LOL I did this in one of my old agendas cuz I didn't feel like bringing out an entire new sheet. But yes. Here you go. 


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That was really random of you! kekeke
And you did it on your agenda. keke. So lazy~