Too True.

One "x" equals one percent.

[  ] Fingernails/Toenails are almost painted all the time.
[  ] During the summer, the shoes I wear are flip flops. (Dude, it's summer forever in Singapore.)
[  ] Favorite toys as a child were Barbies, et cetera.
[  ] Favorite color(s) are pink or purple.
[ ] I did Gymnastics.
[  ] I love skirts.
[  ] Hollister and/or American Eagle are one of my favorite places to shop
[ ] Tight jeans are the only jeans I will wear.
[  ] I own something from Victoria's Secret.
[  ] I did ballet as a little girl.
Total So Far: 0
[ ] I own a purse.
[ ] I love to hang out in the mall with friends.
[ ] I have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
[ ] I love reality shows. (I don't even watch shows.)
[ ] My hair is almost straightened all the time.
[ ] Bobby pins are my best friend.
Total So Far: 0
[ ] I own something from Hollister.
[x] I don't shop at Hot Topic.
[ ] My cell phone or iPod is important to me.
[ ] I wear mascara a lot.
Total So Far: 1
[ ] Big sunglasses are hot.
[ ] I have gotten my nails done before.
[ ] I own over 10 purses.
[ ] MTV is one of my favorite channels.
Total So Far: 1
[ ] Pretty much all you talk about at sleepovers are girls/guys.
[ ] I love people doing my hair.
[ ] I give and receive hugs from all friends.
[ ] I hate bugs.
[ ] Summer is amazing.
[ ] I go shopping a lot. (Hell to the no.)
Total So Far: 1
[ ] I pick out shampoo and conditioner strictly based on smell.
[ ] I don't like sports that make me sweat.
[ ] I squeal when I'm surprised or angry.
[ ] I eat fruits as a snack.
Total So Far: 1
[ ] I have 5 billion hair products.
[ ] I love to get dressed up for certain occasions.
[ ] I apply lip stuff 50 times a day.
Total So Far: 1
[ ] I wanted a bra before I even needed one.
[x] I love music.
[ ] You gotta love rainbows.
[x] I'd rather not pay attention in school.
[ ] Kittens are adorable.
Total So Far: 3
[ ] I write or have written a poem.
[ ] I'd love to visit Hawaii.
[ ] Valentine's Day is cute.
[ ] I would not be caught in all black.
[ ] My closet/dresser is stock full of clothes.
[ ] I like to read magazines.
Total So Far: 3
[ ] I had Liza Frank posters/folders/notebooks as a kid.
[ ] I've seen Camp Rock or High School Musical.
[ ] I have or still do plan ahead for my wedding.
[ ] My friends and I are in a strict group.
Total So Far: 3
[ ] I like little kids.
[ ] Diet soda rules.
[ ] I am or at one point was a vegetarian.
[x] I love chocolate.
Total So Far: 4
[ ] Check my myspace/Facebook/email everyday.
[ ] I have a lot of jewelry.
[ ] I have to shop.
[ ] You love to show your legs.
[ ] I have more than 3 pillows on my bed.
Total So Far: 4
[x] I love friends.
[ ] I don't understand most stuff.
[ ] I wear earrings a lot.
Total So Far: 5
[ ] You love gum.
[ ] You're lost without a purse. (Life goes on, darling.)
[ ] You laugh a lot.
[ ] Smiling is a part of me.
Total So Far: 5
[ ] You're scared to go into Hot Topic alone.
[ ] You won't let your mum shop for you. (Hello? My mum does all the shopping.)
[ ] You basically only like what's on the radio.
[ ] You own at least four things from Hollister.
[ ] I love attention.
[ ] I love stuffed animals.
[ ] Most things smart people say confuse me.
[ ] You would die without a computer/iPod/camera/phone. (I live with an iPad.)
Total So Far: 5
Percentage: 5 x 2 = 10%
Repost it as: I am 10% Girly. (Nope. Yuna being rebellious right now LOOL.)
Credits: exothermc


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this is... really long xD
i am gonna do this yo