Using Chinese in Fanfiction

Use of Chinese in Fanfiction
           Or any other language for that matter


I'd just like to say, please just stop. If it has an English equivalent, please use that.  I don't know how many fics that I was actually just getting into when out of nowhere, incredibly long dialogue between two or more characters in pure Chinese or using random Chinese phrases that aren't even correct pop-up. It's worse when it's clearly google translated.

I don't know who you're trying to impress, because you won't be impressing your readers, most don't even speak Chinese, or whatever language you decide to incorporate for no reason. So by adding Chinese in, you're only confusing them and then you spend the effort to put a translation? Is it really that much harder to just put the English version of what you are trying to say and then add "said Kris in Chinese/Mandarin" or "Xander said in ing Hierogylphics" at the end of said English sentence? By putting in the extra effort to Google translate your English, you are turning away potential subscribers. I'm not even kidding.

If you're trying to impress the Chinese readers, just stop. First, if they are native Chinese or Taiwanese, they probably can't read Pinyin very well in the first place. I know I don't and nor does the rest of my extended family I could vouch for EXO-M as well because they had trouble figuring out the pinyin of Hot Pot on an interview. When we do figure out what you're trying to say, 9 times out of 10, you got it wrong, and most of us, instead of being happy you "attempted" (quotations because you probably use Google translate), we'd laugh at the pathetic non-attempt you made using Google translate. Cruel for the people who actually try? What about the people you guys make fun of because they're still learning English but are attempting to write a fic? Exactly.

Like in any other language, there are words you can't substitute, such as Hyung for Korean or a traditional dish that doesn't have a decent English translation. So I really don't care for that, I understand if you choose to use the original version. That's perfectly fine, keep doing what you're doing. It's not too bad if you throw in a word or two like Ni hao, or Xie xie. That's fine too, at least you know people understand it, and you have it right. It's not ideal but that's still acceptable. But when you end up with like "Ni keyi shuo zhougguo ren ma?" to have one Character ask another character if they spoke Chinese, that's too much. Not to mention what the romanisation is actually saying is 你可以說中國人嗎? Also known as Can you speak Chinese people? Yeah. Exactly. Don't tell me authors don't make mistakes like this because this is the exact sentence I have seen in multiple fanfictions just here.

Overall, please just stop. Stick to what you and your readers know. Good rule is, if one of the two has to Google translate it, stick with the English instead. Also, excuse my language my tolerance to this kind of thing disappeared.


EDIT: I was probably a bit harsh, but it bothers me to no end when it happens. I apologise if this offended anybody and I didn't mean for it to be an attack on anyone. Everything I said still stands, but I'm sorry for being rude and harsh. Have a cookie instead.


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I feel you. Some times I read those fic where all the pinyins are thrown inside and you have no idea what they are talking about because one word can mean many different things by the tone. The best part is when the translations are wrong. Sometimes I read fics with such mistakes, I would be like 'wtf was that?'. Sometimes it's so confusing too. I really don't know what are people thinking nowadays. And just because you have people like EXO-M in your story doesn't mean you need to have Chinese words in it too.

Oh, and in some fic, the girls will say '___ ge' when it was supposed to be 'oppa'. Like seriously, no girls call their boyfriend 'ge'. That's just fking ridiculous.
Chinese is different from English. Some chinese words doesn't have an equivalent english. And Chinese kinda use shortcuts, i think. If you are trying to stop the chinese or other languages, correct me if I'm wrong you cant. The reason why people write in Chinese is because its ASIAN fanfics ^^
Using Google Translate can't even really count as "trying" to learn a language. It's more like stumbling around blindly because you don't actually know what you're doing and are relying on a primitive translator to do the work for you.
And yeah, pinyin is really mostly a tool that non-native speakers use to learn the language (and too often turn into a crutch). Native-speakers in countries that use the Roman alphabet might know it. But in places like China and Taiwan, they don't use that ____. You can't get by on pinyin. You actually have to know the freaking Chinese characters. e_e
TheTimeChaser #4
Omg wat da hek is Xander saying? Omg. Lol.

Yup. I also don't like it when other authors are trying so hard to use other language.