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The single problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place. - George Bernard Shaw


Isn't it nice to have a family that listens to you well? In every thing that comes out to your mouth, they listen and try to understand, so that they may learn to appreciate that you wanted to share some of your experiences to them?

Well, the fact that you're a teenager and all... you got a lot of issues in your mind that needed solutions; a lot of insecurities that needed assurance; a lot of thoughts that needed a listener - a just, silent, understanding, and trust-worthy listener. In my case, I doubt that I'll ever find that kind inside my crib.

Yes, I thank God for the family He gave me... but there are still these buts I need to overcome and erase. I don't want to question the reason why I'm here, in this kind of situation where all things needs to be worked out, needs to be earned hard, needs to cry for, needs to be angered first, well, whatever, but, the questions just come, and they're overflowing. They don't stop coming. I am the type of person that is easily conscienced, but they continuously give me reasons on why I should not talk to them about myself, why I should not trust them with my thoughts. I know, because I saw them judge me and my actions. It hurts. They don't even listen to explanations. They just judge. End of story.

I don't want to consider myself over-acting, I just needed to let all these thoughts out. I want peace of mind, not war. Not anymore.


True rebels hate their own rebellion. They know by experience that it is not a cool and glamorous lifestyle; it takes a courageous fool to say things that have not been said and to do things that have not been done. - Criss Jami, Venus in Arms


I just wanna be all alone. You know what I mean? Just my mind and my body. My own. Nothing else. No one else. I want privacy. I miss and want myself. I want to know the things I can do by just being with myself. Without anyone pointing out on my mistakes, without anyone ordering me things that needs to be done, without anyone blaming me for their bad luck, without anyone stopping me to do what my heart and my mind really wanted to do.

I know. There will come a time that I will miss everything I might be leaving if I choose to be alone. Maybe I'll regret it but I know that I will be happy, happier. For once, I am sure to something and that is I will find happiness when I see myself living my own life.




There was this time when all I needed is silence... a wonderful silence - the never awkward one.

And the rain gave that silence to me tonight. It even cries out for me. Oh, how I love rains.




The text has disappeared under the interpretations.

- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil


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