
Okay. So my boyfriend, lets call him Kevin, and I have been having troubles the last couple weeks. He's been dealing with his trauma issues and I've been trying my best to help him. He was emotionally abused when he was younger, so I understood if he had problems with trusting me. I personally think I was really patient over the last 2 years.

I never got mad at him, even when he suspected me to be cheating or something. I always tried my best to be the perfect girlfriend in his eyes: I was attentive, caring, and everything else he wanted me to be. Whenever he needed me, I was there.

I did all of this because I loved him. Kevin was my first crush, my first love, my first kiss, everything, pretty much. I gave my entire heart to him. Truthfully, I valued him more than I did myself.

Everything was great until about mid February. Kevin was finally opening up and it was awesome. I thought things were finally going our way.

Then I started getting busier. I'm president of our school's Music Club, and our concert is soon, so I had to attend this endless string of meetings. It was really tiring and I felt horrible for not being able to spend a lot of time with Kevin, so I was even MORE caring when I did see him.

But of course, it wasn't ENOUGH. He started getting jealous at the smallest of things. At first, it was really cute and sweet when he was possessive. But it started to get annoying, so I faced him about it.

Okay, by "facing him", I mean pouting a bit and tell him to "stop being jelly all the time, 'cause I'm yours and only yours". Yeah. I'm cheesy. Get over it.

But he got suspicious (FOR NO FREAKING REASON) and he started to doubt me. Kevin started to get really mean; he would fight with me often and during them, he called me these horrible things. He would shout that I betrayed him and each time he said that, it was like he stabbed me with a knife.

I stuck with him though. I knew that it was because of his trust issues, and that it wasn't his fault. But today, he crossed the line.

This afternoon (after school), I was with my friends, and David, my best friend, and I were joking around, laughing. David has this habit of putting his arm around my shoulders, but I never minded it. But of course, Kevin HAD to take it the wrong way and he flipped out.

He grabbed me and he screamed, "You're a backstabbing ! I can't believe I trusted a like you!"

He raised his hand and struck my cheek. I doubled back because of the force, but I couldn't feel the physical pain. I only felt my heart tear in two. Then as Kevin was about to slap me again, but Anna (my other best friend) caught his hand.

She yelled at him, saying that he was a hypocrite and that he didn't deserve me, and normally, I would've done the same, but I was to busy crying. I broke down, pretty much. The boy that I loved and loved me back had turned into this monster.

David took me away and he let me cry. Anna came soon after too. They held me until the tears stopped and David drove me home. My parents are on a trip and my sister is at a friend's house for the next two days, so I was alone.

Even though he wanted to stay, I forced David to go home and now I'm alone, writing this.

I can't believe I wasted my precious time for someone that treats me like garbarge. I can't believe I used up all that love on Kevin. Who abused me the way he had been abused.

So this is my message to that jerk.

Stupid . Douchebag. I'm better off without you anyways. Screw you, I'll be so epic that you'd BEG to get me back.

You'll regret losing my love.





I'm sorry if I bored anyone. I just really needed to get that out of my system.


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I know I don't know you too well, but I just wanted to add my two cents in.
What you did for Kevin was very sweet and from what you say you have been the most nicest, attentive girlfriend ever, in spite of what he may have done or said to you.
However, what Kevin did is completely out of line. I hope you don't mind this but you should not get back together with him. Maybe if he had simply yelled, the two of you could have sat down later and talked about things. But not anymore. Not after the moment he even LIFTED his hand to hit you.
After having been dealt with abuse, I cannot believe he'd be able to do that, and to try and hit you AGAIN. That is disgusting and inexcusable, especially after everything you have done for him and everything he himself has been through.
He hit you, his loving girlfriend who did nothing wrong, and that is just not right at all. He was going to do it again, he didn't apologise at all, and that sort of relationship is one you should never get into, no matter how much he may say he loves you or how much you think you love him.
I believe that you should move on. Find someone who would never even think of hurting you in such a way. Someone who can love you, protect you, accept your love wholeheartedly, and not be overly jealous or possessive. Someone who you are sure you love and someone who will properly appreciate all that you are doing for them.
Aww. Are you okay?
I know that you might feel really hurt, but since you and "Kevin" were together for over two years.... It's sort of hard to just let that go. Although what he did was truly wrong, and if I was you I would punch him right there, you remind me of my BFF, she was with a guy for 3 years and just recently they broke up cause they got into a fight (although there was no abuse there was name calling) and I can see that they both still love each other.
So I think you guys do still love each other, you guys are just going through a really BIG rough patch cause you're busy. Especially with his past, I think he has real trust issues, but its your choice to stay by his side and help him or not. Cause what he just did to you will also give you second thoughts of him. (Sorry I know sounds confusing), just saying to feel better soon and relax, don't over stress yourself Unni!
Hwaiting. <3
i know you said that your better without. but are you sure? you been together for so long. i not siding him, but i know there is still chance of the two of you getting back with each other. you love him long enough, my advice is if that happen you shouldn't forgive him that easily. let him know that you deserve better.
shoutsandmurmurs #4
Jesus, do you want me to yell at him for you? Cause holy ____, that was totally out of line. What a jerk. I'm actually glad this happened because now you know that even though you might have loved him in the past, now you realize that he's not the one for you. You deserve someone better; someone who will love you and who won't get possessive or abusive. Because someone who doesn't see that you're an amazing person doesn't even deserve to be in the same too mad you. You know what I would say? I would say, "Good riddance." Because quite honestly, if someone is going to treat you in that matter of disrespect, he doesn't deserve your attention. You can find someone SO much better. And if you ever need anyone to talk to about your problems, I'm always here
Aw honey :( he really doesn't deserve you. Find someone good! You'll be happy I promise~ if you want to talk I'm here!