Not Alone

For the Japanese SONEs here or the ones who live in Japan, who went to the 2nd Japan Tour of SNSD? The one in Osaka, their last stop. What happened to Jessica during the Not Alone perfomance? Not much of a big deal, but I want to know what does she look like and what did the other Soshis do to comfort her when she wasn't able to sing her part. I know she was crying, but I want someone to describe what happened. I already heard the audio^^ so Jap Sones, please answer me :)


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:O What happened to Sica?
I don't live in Japan... so that TT^TT
But I need to know what happened to her :O
Wait what? I didn't hear anything about this? Can you give me the link?
angel116 #3
What happened? Why did she cried???