{ » Sapphire ¦ SM's New Girl Group ♦♦ ¦ incomplete






Park Ji Young; The y Cutie


 ☆) Invitation

Username: infnitelyexotic

Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/327889

Scale of activeness: 6/10


☆) Tell Me,Tell Me

Name: Park Ji Young

Foreign Name: Stephanie Park

Ethnicity: Korean

Nationality: Korean

Birth-place: Busan, South Korea

Home-town: Manila, Phillipines; Seoul, South Korea

Languages: Korean & Tagalog & English; all fluent

Nicknames: Jiyoung; ParkJi; Korean Barbie; Shikshin

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Age: 22

Birthday: 3 March, 1992

Blood type: A


☆) Juliette

Appeareance name: Im Jinah [Nana]

Picture links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Back up Appeareance: Park Lizzy

Picture Links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


☆) That's Fashion!

Tattoos/ piercings/ birthmarksShe has a tattoo on her left upper arm, writing "WooFany~"

Style ; She prefers wearing loose hoodies, but the company wants her to stay with her y cutie persona, and so you can see her wear a shirt showing her body shape almost all the time. She likes wearing skinny jeans and wavy skirts. High heels or sneakers doesn't matter to her as she likes wearing both, just as long as the colors aren't neon. She especially likes wearing sunglasses, not just because she knows she looks good with it, she just...likes it! Caps aren't always her favorite though, and short hair is definitely a no-no. Dresses are just her all-time favorites.

Examples : 1 2 3 4

Casual : 1 2 3 4

Formal : 1 2 3 4

Dorms : 1 2 3 4

Airport Fashion : 1 2 3 4


☆) Good Day

Personality: [provide a detailed description, no word limit]

Background: [Same]

Likes: [5+ points]

Dislikes: [5+ points]

Hobbies (3+): [reading, crafts, composing music, writing lyrics, etc]

Extra talents: [if you learned ballet or an instrument, etc]

Special talents: 

Trivia: [favourite foods, strange phobias, etc]


☆) Aaboji,Umma,Oppa and Unnie

Family: [Mother/ Father: Name: || Age: || Personality ]

Siblings: (Sandeul and Kibum are taken) [same]

Best friend (one only): [Name: || Age: || Relationship || Extra:]

Friends (max 5): [Name: || Age: || Relationship:]

Close sunbaes within the company (max 5): [Name: ||Age: || Relationship:]

Rival (max 2): [Name: ||Age: || Reason:]


☆) I Got A Boy!

Love interest: (Daehyun and Sehun are taken) [Name: ||Age: || How you guys met: || Relationship: crush/ boyfriend/ friend/ love-hate]

Back up Love interest: (Same) [Name: || Age: || How you guys met: || Relationship: crush/ boyfriend/ friend/ love-hate ]

Ex-Boyfriends (max 2): [Name: || Age: || How you guys met: || Why did you broke up: ] (if you want)


☆) Superstar

Stage Name: [can be your name]


Fanclub Name + Fanclub Color:

Trainee Years: 

Other activities (one max): [variety programs, acting, commercials, MC/ host]

Positions: [On the Foreword]

Back-Up Positions: [On the Foreword]

Singing Link: [3+]

Dancing Link: [3+]

Rapping Link: [3+]


☆) Goodbye And Hello


Scene request(s):  

Password: (Did you read the rules?)


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