Please Pray for China.


With the horrible bombings in Boston, In which my prayers go out to all the affected, I would also like to turn your attention to another horrible tragedy that has greatly affected not only the country and it's people but also myself and my family. 

As many of you have heard an earthquake has hit Sichuan and so far there are reported 192 deaths. Though, I don't have any family members living in the area, my parents, In fact, have friends with children living in the area. My parents haven't heard any news from them, which in fact; Is leaving my parents in deep anxiety. 

Though, I personally don't them, it is quite scary and nerve-racking watching my parents worry and not knowing what has happened to the affected. 


~Please pray for China~






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blue_oiseau #1
Hang in there~ I'll pray!
Pray to whom.....satan?
My heart and prayers are being sent out to you and your family...Muah!!