I apologize…

hello my dear readers,


*sigh* It’s hard for me to write this, my heart hurts, but I don’t want to lie to any of you. I’m experiencing a huge writer’s block. I’m unable to write the way I want to.

I won’t whine and I won’t burden any of you. It’s just I went through a lot in the last few months and saw others go through even worse. Now I’ve finally reached a point where I can’t go on the way I did before.

I want to apologize for letting everyone down, but I have to halt all of my stories for the time being. I can’t force myself to write something that isn’t the way I want it to be. Of course there is the possibility that I’m just too whiny and overreacting right now, I don’t know. I might be fine in a few days… and I might be able to update one or the other story. I don’t know.

I tried, I really did with all of my stories, but I can’t manage to write even a single sentence. So please understand.

Of course I understand too if many of you will leave me for this, I won’t take it to heart. Yet I wanted everyone to know that I won’t be able to update. Not until I can find the will and the ability to do so.

I’m sorry. I really am. I try to find a way to go back to the way I used to handle things. Thanks for your support until now, I’m grateful from the bottom of my heart.

I don’t know how long … I can hardly predict something like this. It’s not something I planned neither something I expected to happen, but I’ll do my best to find a way, I promise. *sobs*

I hope some of you will be able to understand, thank you for reading…






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completely understand. it was me right now..
don't force yourself.
i mean, writing should be FUN, right?
Oh, sweetie~ Don't be ashamed of writers block. It happens to EVERYONE. Honestly, updating fics on the regular is a lot of work and kinda unrealistic when you think about it. Human's aren't computers and machines...we're not magic. We're people, who have feelings and emotional spurts and physical needs like sleep and rest, just like our readers. And I actually say thank you, for not just updating your fics with whatever crazy thing you want to update with SIMPLY for the sake of an update...To me, you can tell when a writer is writing from the heart when they act HUMAN. Whatever it is that's bothering you, do what you need to do and take whatever time you want, I encourage you...Maybe you'll even be able to find a way to take this struggle and turn it into a work of art, to cultivate the manure that life gives you and turn it into a beautiful garden of flowers~ And if you ever need someone to talk to, I know you don't like...KNOW ME, but I'm a good listener and I don't believe in judging...
*hugs* I know how writers block and depression work hard against us. Know that everyone is here to support you, no matter what. <3
They all said it better than I could, but the good readers will wait for you. You dont want readers that disappear at the first break anyway. Take your time, as long as you need, and we will wait patiently! <3 Love you my pet! <3
*slaps then hugs* LOL It's ok But let me tell you there is no such thing as writers block you are just not inspired is all just take a breather and find inspiration and when you do comeback to us but for no freaking reason do you dare abandon your stories or give up or I might just do more than slap you lol Love you bish you'll get over this soon you'll see. (I have been through the same many times but not for long)
orkideh #6
Having hard times and troubles are getting more and more epidemic!
Totally understand you :)
Be strong
Aja aja fighting!!!
oh baby I do understand you and it's ok
just take your time n dont think it must be a short one
use as much as you think you need n put your mind n thoughts in peace.
I know you wanna update your stories n you feel responsible for your readers yes that's a fact but honey you need to find that light n way you had before so it's ok if you take a break whisper: even a long break*
just know that we love you n we'll miss you
so come back to us soon? araso ? <3 ^_^