Replies to comments/wall posts/IM...

I haven't been replying back to comments lately. I wanted to blame it on my work load but I know it's not such an excuse. I still feel grateful to those that take time to comment. Most of the time, I will reply to wall post/IM/comments here ot asks/metions on tumblr/tiwtter.

My deepest apology if I  missed your messages because there comes a time when there's just too much to reply. But from here on, I'll try my best to reply to all. Haha it feel like I've got fan mails in my inbox or something. I though only idols receive fan mails.

You guys, know that I love you, right? Fangirls or fanboys, I love you all. Be nice to each other, ok? A little hate mail is inevitable I guess. But all your love made my whole day much better. Well, other than EXO that is.

In case you need to connect to me other than on AFF, you can follow me on twitter (@jyoonsae) or tumblr (

Let me repeat this. I love you ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

- Joo Yoonsae


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foreveralone1020 #1
Saranghae author-nim~! :D we understand if you're busy so just take your time :">
fighting! ♥