K-Pop Group Answers #2


·         If I’m a fan or not a fan: TOTALLY. <3

·         How long I’ve been a fan: Hmm...I honestly don't know! Maybe around the same time I got into B.A.P....maybe earlier, so around September? Yes, I'm a pretty ripe K-pop fan. LOL

·         The first song I heard by them: The Chaser.

·         My favourite song as of now: I Still Love You, Be Mine, Man In Love, Can U Smile, and OH OH, Come Back Again. I love that song. 

·         The first MV I saw: Yup, you guessed it, The Chaser! My best friend showed it to me and wanted me to get into Infinite because I was still overly attached with SHINee at the time. LOL

·         My favourite MV as of now: Hm. Probably...The Chaser? Come Back Again's was nice...but, Man In Love's was adorbs. Ugh, I don't know. LOL

·         Who my bias is: It's a mix of Sungyeol, Myungsoo, and Dongwoo. Don't ask, it's complicated.

·         Who my least favourite member is: It all depends on what vids I'm watching because my feels get riled up. Probably...Sungjong? Sunggyu? Idek, I love Infinite bunches right now.

·         My OTP: Myungyeol. LOL They're so fluffy~

·         A pairing I dislike: I don't even know. My brain can't dislike a pairing, apparently. 

·         And lastly, an unpopular opinion: They are mischievous little dorks and I love them to little bitty bits. They're so cute. Man In Love's chorus is ringing through my head as I type~



·         If I’m a fan or not a fan: As of right now, nope I'm not. They're one of those groups where I like them, but I just don't listen enough to their songs. Besides, I don't know enough of them as of right now. But I want to know more soon!

·         How long I’ve been a fan: Not one...YET.

·         The first song I heard by them: Shock. EVERYDAY A SHOCK, *SHOCK!* 

·         My favourite song as of now: Fiction. And does Caffeine count? Since, you know, Yoseob sang it and stuff..?

·         The first MV I saw: I don't have a serious idea, but it's most likely Shock.

·         My favourite MV as of now: I don't even remember what goes on in the MVs that I watched...OTL

·         Who my bias is: Yoseob. He's so cute, like seriously.

·         Who my least favourite member is: I don't know all the members...ehehe, //hides

·         My OTP: Don't know any yet.

·         A pairing I dislike: ~

·         And lastly, an unpopular opinion: Yes Beasties or whatever your fan club name is...I need to get into this group. I'm so obsessed with BtoB and I have no idea why I'm not into these dudes yet. I shall...SOON. eue

As of now, I know they're cool guys and I think I'll really like them once I get into them. :D



·         If I’m a fan or not a fan: Oh my gosh, yes. Along with SHINee, they got me into K-Pop as well. ^_^

·         How long I’ve been a fan: Since June!

·         The first song I heard by them: Boyfriend. That song was on instant repeat when me and my friend worked together, and also Hello by SHINee. Ahh, the memories~

·         My favourite song as of now: Be My Shine (Japanese songs FTW), Go Home, Janus, My Lady, Dance Dance Dance, the list goes on foreverssss.

·         The first MV I saw: Boyfriend. I watched the MV so many times, but I didn't even know there were twins in the group. My friend didn't know either. What is this. 

·         My favourite MV as of now: I-Yah. The editing is cool. :D

·         Who my bias is: YOUNGMIN. <3 God, that boy.

·         Who my least favourite member is: Hm...Donghyun? Idek, I love Boyfriend so much. Hello Baby feels are coming along, aahhh~ 

·         My OTP: I don't have one in the group. LOL

·         A pairing I dislike: ~

·         And lastly, an unpopular opinion: They are SO adorable and so very funny. They make me squeal, but y'know, I always end up doing that in any K-Pop group I extremely love, so....



Next trio will be coming in a bit later! Or tomorrow night if I'm too lazy. XD

//gets back to working on updates OTL


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when i first watched their Boyfriend MV i had no idea there were twins too until my friend pointed out in school. OTL