I'm afraid of 20 out of 72 common fears [Stolen from LisaheartKEY]


I fear...
[ ] black people
[ ] the dark
[X] staying single forever
[ ] being a parent
[ ] being in front of others  
[ ] open spaces
[X] closed spaces
[X] heights 
[] dogs  
[X] birds (Only when I'm walking around and they fly at my head as if I'm a moving target.
[ ] fish
[X] spiders 
[ ] flowers or other plants 
Total so far: 5
[ ] fire
[] deep water 
[] snakes
[ ] silk
[] the ocean
[X] failure  (To a certain extent)
[X] thunder/lightning (I'm okay with thunder but I hate the lightning, the flashes of light scare the hell out of me, it's more sheet lightning that I'm scared of rather than fork lightning)
[ ] frogs/toads
[ ] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad (I always get along with the Dads)
[X] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[] rats (Why would I be scared of them? They're so cute >.<)
[X] jumping from high places (I'm scared of heights in general so jumping from a high place would not be an opion for me.
Total so far: 9
[ ] rain
[ ] wind 
[] crossing hanging bridges 
[ ] death 
[] being robbed/mugged (Me being mugged is more of my mam's fear than my own.)
[X] falling (In love? Yes... From a high place?... Yes)
[ ] clowns
[X] dolls (Only porcelain dolls tha scare me.
[X] large crowds of people (Only because I'm always the one who ends up getting lost. My bad sense of direction and my short height isn't helping, I'm sure.)
[ ] men
[ ] women
[X] having great responsibilities 
[X] doctors (Ironically, my Dad is one of these >.<)
[X] dentists
[] tornadoes (We don't get these where I live so I've never experienced one to fear it.)
 Total so far: 15
 [] hurricanes (Again, never experienced one, therefore I can't say.)
[X] incurable diseases
[x] sharks 
[ ] Friday the 13th (My beautiful nephew was born on this day so how can I fear it when the nephew I adore was brought into the world on that day?)
[] ghosts
[ ] poverty
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school 
[ ] trains
[ ] odd numbers (I don't fear it but I HATE uneven amounts of money in my bank account. If I have £105 in my bank, I will either have to take the 5 out or put another 5 inn to make it even.)
[ ] even numbers
[X] being alone
[ ] becoming blind
[ ] becoming deaf
[ ] growing up, becoming old
 Total so far: 18 
[X] creepy noises in the night
[ ] not accomplishing my dreams/goal
[X] needles (One of my reasons for my fear of Doctors and Dentists)
[] blood 
Total: 20 


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