Do we really know?

Well, just a simple thought..


typing out some rants on this tiny iPod so really, it's not my usual fonts and all>.<


so yupp! I was just thinking: do the writers here in aff really understand anything about love? I mean, I know some older authors whom might have dated more than once in their entire life, but have you ever wonder what about the younger ones who are still at the age from between 9-14? I realised romance is one of the common topics/genres for these young writers, how do they know? What do they know about romance? Do they get inspiration from the other stories online or from novels? Is that why "arranged marriage" and "happily ever afters" are something so common here? We can't exactly fault this young writers can we? Can we really?


so, just something to ponder over about for certain people. I myself admit that I haven't had any relationship for my whole of 17 years of existence: no one had ever made my heart beat faster or given me the butterflies in my stomach yet, and I couldn't care less somehow. This is why I don't exactly write stories here:)


lets just say it is rather irritating to receive comments saying that their stories are similar to others', so you have any better idea?


signing off~

the "ranter"


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I'm in 20's and still in a relationship with the same guy(six years to be exact until now). So, I guess, my stories are mostly inspired by that. HAHA. And usually, I hate happy ending of arranged marriage stories because that was too mainstream but that's what readers want, so I give it to them with a twist.

But... I never thought there are 9 year old kids authors. HAHAHAHA. I haven't seen one. Or maybe, I'm not that exploring much of the stories here.
u ______ u that was too sweet to be called a rant. lol.
I read and write stories on here to improve my love life!! lol I'm married, but I'm also 23... lol I feel if they are good at coming up with interesting stories and write will, I'll forgive them not knowing much about actual love... cause they real thing does not make your heart beat faster it just makes you feel safe and completed! ^_^ there are so many hidden emotions behind love it is sometimes even impossible for seasoned people to write about it accurately!
dreamsaremadeof #4
i never thought aff authors 9-14yrs old exists!