COA K-pop Fangirl. (To be or not to Be.)


Confessions of a K-pop Fangirl.



Confession #2



I don't always believe that 

my favorite pairings are

dating or screwing "IRL". But it's nice to 




Now a lot of people are probably looking at this like, dafuq is she here for or others may agree. You see, in my general opinion and I will NOT state any of those pairings who I believe aren't real to avoid controversy, I see a lot of them with extremely close friendships, meaning I don't see them trying to kiss or always hanging all over each other. I don't see that body language, their shoulders facing each other, heads close together. But  if it IS there it's unrecieved by another, meaning uncomfortable, facing away, pushing away, ignored or out right shock.  I would suppose you could make the arguement that it's behind scenes, but how could we really know as we are ALWAYS on the outside. I don't see them behind scenes and I am guess as long as you aren't ninja'ing your way into their dressing rooms or houses, you don't either.

To me there just are some couples, some people who just ping my gaydar while others don't. But in simple terms I think that is perfectly fine that you pair who you pair and you love what you love and I would never ever find myself going on a youtube or some jazz hollaring about their fakeness or purposely calling it "brotherhood" as a way to passive-aggressively shoot down someone's hopes, because in truth, I don't even know if my "real" pairings are "real". So,I suppose we only have our imaginations and fanfictions in the end.  






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