MBLAQ again? You must be obsessed.

it's been such an MBLAQ overload today haha I really am obsessed <3 And I don't want to change a thing :) When we are all old and wrinkly, I want Seungho to still be kick at piano and doing back flips, G.O singing goodnight songs to his grandkids, Joon to still y dance in his abs, Thunder to still cuddle up with with Soonja and Mir to be incredibly hyper and childish. And me to still pine after all of them. Or I could just be their wife. One or the other - personally, I like the latter. :P


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N'aww ~ <3
yes mrs. lee changsun? hmmm i quite like the sound of that. excuse me while i go off to plan our wedding ;)
I like their songs