Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice


Lately I've been spending time with the silence of nature. With all these days that pass by, i couldn’t help but notice that nature isn’t silent. At all. If you pay close attention it tells you a story, it sings you a song and it paints you a picture. I found myself enticed by the swaying of the leaves in the wind, smooth and carefree. It lit something in me, an “edge” i suppose is really what its called. I decided to list facts about myself that in all honestly, people tend to neglect or somethings that i do keep hidden so here it goes

fact: Sometimes, I want to scream in everyone’s face.

fact: I care more about my appearance than you do.

fact: I get my hopes up too easily.

fact: I’ll never be 100% what you want me to be.
fact: I treat my friends as family. you cannot change that.
fact: I want everyone to be 100% open, honest, and random with me.
fact: Something else is always on my mind too. You’re not the only one…

fact: im too nice…undecided what i wanted to do about this because not everyone is a selfish a**hole.

fact: im a nonconformist, my mind never changes under mass amount of pressure.

fact: im a MiZfit….get used to it, its something that i will NEVER change.

thats actually a pretty good start, i might wander around my mind like this for a while…i might get a best seller out of it.

“I claim to be a simple individual liable to error like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps.” -Ghandi 


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