Overlapping (Text)


Overlapping  (text)


♦How to:♦
First, insert your desired image, ( i used BTOB, and the margin in solid, padding 2px, Click HERE to see the Padding tutorial)
⇒then click on Source,  you will type the code after the 'height', and before the padding and the border. 
The code must be :
margin: (margin length)px (margin width)px (margin height)px 
but., we don't really use the length and width margins much, so we can base ourselves on the height margin (the last one) .
Now, it should be:
margin: 0px 0px -70 px  (i used -70)
*reminder- the height of the margin, the last one, should always be in negative.
The lower the number gets, the higher the text will rise on the image.
⇒Then click Source to go back.
⇒Click the space on the right side of your picture and press enter, then you can see that the typing cursor is now inside the image, you can write anything you want.


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