Bloodhound Cheat Sheet


I'm lost inside this Forest


Plot Line:
There is a mix of humans and werewolves up for grabs, but I recommend choosing your PL based on the character type you're more interested in rather than which side you're on.
Primary Weapon:
Remember, no guns - examples include, but are definitely not limited to, sword, crossbow, ax. Whatever you choose should match your OC. (The Ear, for example, is unlikely to have the strength and skill necessary to wield a heavy broadsword.)
Secondary Weapon:
Examples include, but are definitely not limited to, dagger, fists, poison. A secondary weapon is a backup weapon when your OC has been disarmed - it is not asking what other weapon your OC knows how to use. (If she is primarily an archer, for example, her backup weapon is unlikely to be a heavy broadsword because that is a lot to carry.)
Birthplace / Hometown:
Use real places, it'll be my responsibility to adjust them to fit the au (read as - I will bastardize the name of the city(ies) so you don't have to.)
Ulzzang Reference:
Why do we want closeups of her face/head-shoulder? Because this is an au set in the distant past, where the backdrop and fashions of our present do not exist. If not closeups, try to choose more ambiguous photos in general so there isn't too much in the background or emphasis on style. If you're still confused, kindly check out the sample apps. (It's probably a good idea to take a look at them regardless - they might be helpful references!)
I'm not Red Riding Hood...


I like quality over quantity - two thorough paragraphs are preferable to five skimpy ones. If you'd like to give me both quality and quantity, I for one won't say no! Originality is honestly the key to everything, so be creative and unpredictable. Be realistic, but have fun with it!
These girls may not exactly be sweet and naïve, given the circumstances, but they’re not all badasses either.
As you can probably tell from the PLs, each of the characters have a general type, but you also have freedom to develop her and give her qualities of your own. The PLs are general guidelines - how creatively you use them determine how impressed I'll be.
Notice that all the characters have flaws of some sort - I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for your OC to have flaws, so they can grow as the story progresses. (Fatal flaws are good too, just saying.)
I do reserve the right to make changes if necessary, but I promise nothing drastic.
...but I think the Wolves have got me


If you choose to leave this section blank, I will decide on a backstory for you. If you choose to write one, use your PL description as a guideline. (The Ear's description, for example, mentions how she was denied the tradition of the Hunters - it would therefore be unlikely that she got Hunter training even if her parents were Hunters, but that lack could foster her curiosity.)
Family, friends, and rivals are restricted to idols on the masterlist. Make sure you check the masterlist to see which side that character is on. This is especially the case for family and friendships, because it is unlikely for a Hunter to befriend a Child of the Moon or vice-versa, and extremely unlikely for a Hunter and Child of the Moon to be related. There is additional information below the masterlist regarding how to use the masterlist itself.
Again, use your PL description as a guideline. (The Ear's description, for example, mentions a grandmother - the grandmother should therefore be listed, if no one else.)
Friends and/or rivals for your OC can be other plot lines. They do not have to be a relationship at all (unless I warn for it somewhere on this cheat sheet), but it is a possibility for those of you who want it to be. Simply be wary of which side they are on.
For humans -
Not all humans are Hunters, even if Sulyeob is a Hunter village! You will, of course, have Hunter friend(s), but you should have other friend(s) too. Although it is unlikely for Hunters to befriend Children of the Moon or vice-versa, applicants for The Heart should realize based on her PL that she's a peculiar exception.
For werewolves -
Not all werewolves are part of the same pack! Friend(s) in the same one are a given, but you can also have friend(s) elsewhere - this especially pertains to applicants for The Paw, who has been wandering. As for the pups under the care of The Claw, because I realize there are quite a number of them, applicants for this PL do not have to account for every single one of them (though you are, of course, welcome to if you like). Pups should not be her only friends either, and the ages of pups can range (they cannot all be babies).
Rivals should ideally be from your OC's side. If you have a good reason as to why her rival should be from the other side and how this is important to her development, however, you are welcome to do that as well. (This is a potential, though definitely NOT mandatory, consideration for applicants for The Fang due to her history with Hunters.) The Brain has a set rivalry with The Eye due to their professional differences - applicants for this PL may choose to include another rival if they like.
You be the Beast and I'll be the Beauty


This section should be self-explanatory, with minor exceptions - Kim Sunggyu and Kim Myungsoo are brothers in this story. Applicants with either of these two for LI must include the other under this section.
Those with Lee Howon for LI should also consider his former mate.
It should be fairly obvious that Infinite members will be friends with other Infinite members (on their side) - there is no need to include them here. If you want to be specific regarding closeness level and interactions, however, you are certainly welcome to write them, but know that you will still be expected to provide 2+ non-Infinite friendships.
For humans -
Again, not all humans are Hunters even if Sulyeob is a Hunter village! He will, of course, have Hunter friend(s), but he should have other friend(s) too. Applicants with Lee Sungjong for LI should bear in mind that having Elite status does not mean that he associates only with other Elites.
For werewolves -
Again, not all werewolves are part of the same pack! While he has friend(s) in the same one, he can also have friend(s) elsewhere - this might be something to keep in mind for applicants with Lee Howon and Lee Sungyeol for LI, because they are usually separated from their pack and are likelier to encounter werewolves from others while away from home.
Ideally, no girl in her right mind will simply fall for a guy on the other side - this can therefore be a love rival, someone on your OC's side who is either wooing her or she is interested in. HOWEVER, because I am not going to write 7 love triangles, LI rivals are not limited to romantic interests. I will, in fact, probably be more impressed if some other kind of rivalry is going on. (A Hunter may have a professional rival, for example, or a Child of the Moon may have someone looking to overcome his position in pack dynamics. These are definitely not the only possibilities.)
Who Dies?:
I did warn for character death, didn't I? If you don't want your OC to die, I suggest offering your LI up as sacrifice - don't worry, not everyone will die.
I'm not afraid to face a little bit of Danger


Are you the hunter, or the hunted?:
Hunter doesn't always mean hunter, hence the difference in capitalization.
Thank you so much for reading - now go forth and apply!!





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