Today was a scary day ...

After school i caught the bus, after my best friend got off this guy probably in his 50s came on the bus. There was a lil group of Asian grandmas in front of him and he did the crazy sign to them. He muttered stuff to them and then he sat down behind me. Across from me there were some older girls from one grade above me. They were the girls who cake themselves with makeup and have attitude..

He looked at one of them and went, "You won't have kids when you're older."

She went, "What?"

And then he kept muttering bad stuff about her.. and then the girl's friend was like , " Excuse me you're been rude to my mate and earlier those old people."

And then started an argument... there was so many curse words in every sentence ... The whole bus was quiet... and then the bus stopped at this stop.. and lots of people ran to get off...

They were still aruguing and cursing and etc amd the bus driver was like "OI STOP IT" 

and the girl was like " THIS WEED HERE CALLED ME A ING DOG" 

And after that they continued arguing... and finally at the next stop the bus driver threatened to kick them off if  they didn't stop....

- - - 

Then i went to tutor.. after tutor i caught a train. It was 7:50PM-ish and i was in the part of the train where there was no one.. except a old man... with no shoes and ... he was carrying a bunch of sticks under one arm.. and he kept banging an empty metal paint bucket... and he was muttering and giggling... and he looked at me... and i thought i was gonna die since he kept banging stuff... And he kept coming closer and my heart was like ... BABUMP BABUMP...

luckily the train stopped and i ran for it...

BUT i went outside and saw a gang of motorbikers , they were driving real fast and then i heard this big bang.. and i saw a motorbike scrape on the road forward... but no one was on it.. and then all the motorbikes stopped and people started running and shouting to where the hurt person lay.. and then the police came and then i went home .......


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fyx4avaa10yearSs #1
*Jaw drops*

:O That is one big day. . . .
*sigh* That's really freaky. >< But, im glad you're fine, and you
escaped from that creepy pedo. ((:
be careful of old man, who know what they will do ( etc...)

also be careful of the train this 15 yrs old girl (Melbourne) die because she opened the gate when they're close (train coming) and cross over people were like screaming and yelling her not to do it, but she couldn't her them because she was listening to music...train crash her and she die. sad story. all over the news.


be careful chingu
pedo's in this world T.T gosh
stay safe!! don't travel by yourself ~
dude, i can't even take a bus
my friend tried teaching me and when it came to putting the ticket in I ran away from her and sat down LOL
even the bus driver was laughing at me T.T
WOAH, you had it scary today.
And sometimes, I thought I have it bad LOL
whoa... dude
that's some hectic day you went through XD
such an interesting day you had there!
compared to mine, sitting and eating at school all day .___.
Omg.. wow.. I'm very lucky to have gotten off.. LOL
But I wanted to see the argument myself! D:
Wow.. You really did have a scary day.. D:
SweetStrawberryy #9
Oh my gosh. Woah. Youve sure been through a lot. Good that nothing happened to you though ^^
Omg!!! Glad you're okay though!