Taemin & Naeun


[NEWS] SHINee’s Taemin and A Pink’s Son Na Eun Get ′Married′

The new couple to replace ZE:A Kwang Hee and Secret’s Sunhwa has been revealed!

SHINee’s Taemin and A Pink’s Son Na Eun will reportedly be getting married on the virtual reality program, MBC’s We Got Married

The two young singers began shooting for the show on April 17 in Jejudo. They will meet for the first time at the ‘Seo Yeon’s House’ café, which appeared in the movie Architecture 101

Being born in 1993 and 1994 respectively, Taemin and Na Eun will become the youngest couple in We Got Married history. 

Photo Credit: SM Entertainment, A Pink′s me2day



[NEWS] Both agencies confirm Taemin and Na Eun’s casting for ‘We Got Married’

Although there is still no word directly from ‘We Got Married‘, reps from the respective agencies ofSHINee‘s Taemin and A Pink‘s Na Eun have confirmed the rumors of the two being the new couple on the show!

Taemin’s reps revealed to various media outlets, Taemin will be appearing on a variety show for the first time [as a fixed member]… He’ll be able to show you a side you haven’t seen on stage,” as well as“Taemin and Na Eun have become the new couple of ‘We Got Married’… They’re currently filming at the cafe from ‘Introduction to Architecture’. As it is his first filming, Taemin is very nervous and excited.”

Na Eun’s reps also confirmed, “She went to attend the first filming at Jeju Island… She found out that she would be coupled up with Taemin after she arrived at the filming location.”

In addition to the reps’ comments, various fans have also reported witnessing Taemin arriving at Jeju Island, further solidifying the recruitment of the idol and his new ‘wife’, Na Eun, for the faux-marriage program.

The couple’s segment on the show will start airing after the conclusion of Kwanghee and Sunhwa‘s final episode, which will be broadcast this weekend on the 20th!

Source: TVReportStar News


Taemin and Naeun filming for their first episode in WGM







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Besslyn #1
They look so cute together:) I hope it will faster be broadcast.. Can't wait to watch..:)
a_b_c_d_e_f_g_h #2
awwwwwwwwwwwwe ♥
WAAAHHH! OMO! <3 so cute they both look good together. :D Na eun Taemin Fighting!
Cool! Go Taeminniiee!!