Happy Birthday Onew

it's officially December 14, Happy Birthday to SHINee's leader Onew our Ondubu (Lee Jinki). he's 21 internationally and 22 in Korea. I was born the same yr as him but I'm still about 5 months and so many days older so does that mean I'm his Noona kekeke I guess depending I know if two pple r born the same yr in Korea the younger one doesn't always adress the older one formally cause it's only by so many months. but that doesn't matter what matters is it's his special day and I hope he's celebrating it well. Here's the Happy b-day vid I made for him : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj29hiJ65ZA

Happy Birthday ^_^

Lee Jinki (Onew) <3


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onewlover #1
happy late b-day!!!!onew!!!!! i know it is late but yeah i can't be online because i have soo many works lol