so tomorrow, wed, and thurs, i will be taking the state test!!!! woohoo. (complete sarcasm) since the test is super dooper important, i have to sleep early, and study, and whatever so i might not be able to read ppls stories and comment on them, etc. sorry though! ill try to, but dont be surprised if i dont. if anything, ill try tomorrow or on thursday. also, i just want to apologize for not updating in like a month, ive been kinda busy. ill try updating in 2 weeks? or over the weekend. btw next week is the math test, and this week is ela. so ill be taking tests for 2 weeks! woohoo... but next week the days r going to be wed-fri. i think. or its tues-thurs. 

please wish me luck! fighting! 


inspiritkissmeemily <3


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Hope you do great! I already had my state tests in March :P