Good Trailers vs. Bad Trailers

I am getting a bit ticked off with what people consider a good trailer...

A good trailer is one that fits the style of the story, in my opinion.

I of course have only had one trailer made for me and only seen a few good trailers.





These are what I consider good trailers!!!!


I mean they keep you intrigued and aren't boring!!!!!

Onto what bad trailers are....I won't post trailers for these ones because I am not that cruel.

But a bad trailer is normally what I see everywhere!!!!


I mean they have pauses in the video for the texts!!!

I mean its okay to do that for an action packed or dramatic story jsut for a dramatic affect.

But people do this throughout trailers constantly and it just makes the trailer look choppy and poorly done, and honestly it bores me to death!

To make it worse people actually do this for sad stories or romantic stories!!!


I mean the story isn't exactly supposed to be that eye catching unless their is an extreme twist in it!

But when you make a trailer for a slow story or romantic story and you make it choppy it becomes an eye sore and a chore to watch it.

Sometimes I can't even finish a trailer if it is like that!!!


I mean seriously if you are going to make a trailer like that just seriously GTFO!!!!

Also I hate it when you give a trailer shop clips and you yourself hate the clips and they take those clips and force them into the trailer.

I actually had a friend say this to me, because I can't complain about the trailer I have ! ^^ 

She said "I specifically said I didn't like the clips I gave her and was hoping to have her a 'professional' chose amazing clips....but she didn't and it threw off the whole trailer."

Also the trailer she got was for a romance story and it was choppy she was so pissed. 

But she it up and is using it right now.

I also HATE trailers that sue pictures instead of videos...I feel like it is just a lazy excuse for a trailer.

Same with not putting the text on the scenes and just putting them on a black screen!

Sorry if this offended anyone, I am just getting annoyed!

Also here is the credit section:

1st Trailer: The Stranded at The Enchantress

2nd trailer: Broken Mirrors at Baby Pixel

3rd trailer: The Stages of Losing Breath at unnone


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I'm crying right now...I got an awful trailer and I can't ask for a remake. i thought the person would be amazing. But they misspelled something in the trailer the music is all wrong and it doesn't show what the story is about. The story is crazy, thrilling and makes your heart race with anticipation the trailer made me cry...literally I'm not joking. I'm so upset DX