That Towel!

You know how you take a shower and once in a while you forget to bring clothes in the bathroom with you,so then you have to walk outside with a towel to get some.Well Dylan thinks that walking around in a towel that is wraped around his waist to "mainstream"(lol im using tumblr quotes XD).And no he doesnt walk around or anything but here is what he does with his towel and He has been doing this since day we had moved in together.He wears the towel as if he is wearing a diaper.I dont have a problem with it, I actually find it very funny,but today I was rolling on the floor laughing,this reason is because he came into the living room to walk to the bedroom but he did a little pause,looked at me and starts to sing"IM Y & I KNOW IT" and does the dance to it but at the end he does "Buing Buing"o(>.<)o and that really did make my day



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LOL You gotta post a picture of Dylan doing Buing Buing!! XDDDD