Can't Live with out this app

This is my first blog post here it goes.


This app is for all you writers that don't have access to a Computer. It is AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I Swear for the past 2 Months I have been using this app on my phone and it works like magic you can change fonts and all that magic stuff like any other word processor BUT IT'S ON YOUR PHONE !!!!!!!......ya I know I sound stupid but if you want to try this app i recommend it. Plus it's FREE!!!!! Lolz who else loves free stuff cause I know I do.

Say your on your way to work (the bus you guys better not be writing while you drive lol) and you get this amazing idea but you have no paper well this is where this app comes in handy you can write your self a memo or if you already have the story started you could write it in Document form. Plus as weird as it may sound you can also do a PowerPoint on your Phone. Weird I know but still awesome. The app is called " Kingsoft Office" on in the google play store.


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