Does he Like Me?

I'm going to be ranting about this guy in my class..If you're not interested in 'love' stories, I suggest you to stop reading this.


So, I'm going to start from the beginning of the year.


By the way, the he I'm focusing on is going to be known as him.



I'm only twelve, and in the sixth grade. This school year (2012-2013), I went to a different school. You know, because I finished elementary, and now I'm in Junior High School/Middle School. Well, in my class, there are only two people (this boy and me) that came from my elementary school. In math class, we got assigned to sit at the same tables.



He sat next to me. At first, I tried to avoid and ignore him most of the time. We were in the same class in first grade, and that was it, but we were in the same school in elementary school. Four years passed and now we're in the same class again. But then again, we were never really friends, so we don't have much to talk to each other about.



So I was quiet (I'm always quiet in class), and he talks to the other boys and one girl at our table. We only had 4 people at our table. When that other girl moved to a different class, the teacher changed our seats again. And we were still at the same table. We just moved to different seats at that table.


My friend was at my table, too. Well, we talked. Everyone at my table talked to each other. I even talked to him, sometimes. Actually, we didn't really talk..All we ever did was bicker and argue...


When it was election time to vote for the president of the USA, this guy in my class asked me who I wanted to win, and then he asked him. The weird thing is that he didn't give a direct answer at first. Instead, he asked, "What did (insert my name here) choose?" After he found out who I chose, (Romney or Obama), he chose the same one I did (Obama). 



Is that weird? My friend was like, "OMG!" and I was just stunned..Is that a sign or something? Anyway, I have more stories..



Besides us bickering, and that event, there's something else I noticed.



Oh, before I continue with that, my teacher changed our seats again. I sat at a different table than him, while he stayed at that same table. I have friends who sit at the same table as him, and she told me that she thinks he likes me, because he's always talking about me.



Of course, I didn't think he liked me. I would just laugh it off and be like 'Haha, no way! That's not possible!" 



Until the teacher moved our seats again. The teacher was sitting behind him (she was sitting on a desk), and I was looking at my teacher, because I pay attention in school. She was explaining something, and I saw him looking at me. I was confused. He's a math whiz. I know some people don't pay attention in class, but he does. Welll, usually he does, anyway. So I found it odd that he was looking at me. 



I never realized that he looks at me. Until that one day when I saw him looking at me. So some other days later, I looked to see if he looks at me, and he does..Is that another sign? Or is it just pure coincidence? About him looking at me and talking about me?



Oh, but now everything has changed..



He still looks at me. He comes to my lunch table. He comes to me during one of our 'fun' classes before the teacher assigns us something. When he comes to my lunch table, he talks to my friend, though..I used to think that he likes her, since he always hangs out with her and talks to her and goes to her. But at that 'fun' class, something happened..She used to be at my table, but she moved to the front of the room. And he still comes to my table. 



My friend tells me that he likes me. I don't know what to think anymore. He talks me a lot, still. He still looks at me. But do those mean anything? I can't think of any more 'signs' or stories right now, but when I do, I'll post it..


I'm just curious..How do you know if a boy likes you? (Yeah, I know I'm too young to be into this stuff. I don't have a crush or anything..It's just that I see him as a frenemy, so I need to know sooner rather than later what he thinks of me.)



If any of you have ideas, please do tell me.


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Well, I think that he likes you. Does he get shy around you? Or random? Does he try to amuse you in any way? Does he act different around you than when he is with others? If yes, it's certain that he likes you. He's always looking at you, and he even repeated what you said! Those are signs that he likes you. Omg, and he talks about you?! My gosh, you've got yourself someone who is crushing on you, sweetie! But you see him as a frenemy..Hmm, there's the problem right there. Are you sure you don't like him? And I think you need to wait for him to confess to you. Some boys may be too shy to confess, though. If he doesn't confess to you, shrug it off. Unless you want to reject him..If you don't want things to be awkward between you two, I think you should act like you don't know he's being weird around you. When he does confess, we'll talk about what to do. Let's stay focused on the present time, hun. Oh, and yes, 12 years old. You are most definitely too young. Well, it actually depends on you and your family. But I would consider that to be young. Maybe wait until you are in high school?