Someone hacked into my Windows Live account D:

So I couldnt log into my MSN today and I thought that there was a problem with MSN what not with the change over to Skype.

So I deleted my MSN, downloaded Skype only to be told that someone is already logged in with my account.

I was so pissed to know that I got hacked! So I tried changing all my security passwords and what with my already dying memory of a zhangyixing aka goldfish and I managed to retrieve my account back.

My phone is sync to my email so I received emails about postmaster failures because apparently, the person who had been hacking my account TRIED to send o stuffs to my contact list but obviously it failed because I received notifications that it failed.

Now I'm still trying to log into Skype  but my internet's being really y and I'm really just pissed and tired.

If anything happens to this particular account, I will cry my heart out because this is the same account I use to log into facebook, twitter, AFF,, tumblr and many more important main sites.

I'm honestly thinking of changing all my email to my other one seeing how it's no longer safe but it's such a drag. I don't know what to do honestly. Has anyone experienced the same problem before?

Whoever who hacked my account, I'm judging you even though I managed to retrieve my email back. Seriously, I have never been so pissed before in matters of the internet.

So this is a big you and I hope karma takes place and eat you up, you y o person.

ERGH. /end rant


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Wow, seems as though you've had a tough day. I can't even imagine why I would feel if my email got hacked, hope whoever did it will put a stop to it. Feel better sweetie!
I'm sorry! That's really a problem, huh? Gross.