Dream High? We Wish! Application

Basic Information

AFF Name: ShinningStarx3

Aff Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/34068

Character's Name: Yin Ryang Hee

:  Female

Age & D.O.B (15-19): 17 | 29th December 1994

Ethnicity (Only 2): Korean-Chinese


Gay/Bi/Straight: Straight

Character's Looks

Height & Weight: 171 CM | 46KG

Looks (3 links):

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3


She usually love to wear plain cloths or more boyish cloth. It is more comfortable for her to move around.

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Ulzzang Name: Park Young Hee

Character's Personality


She is a very straight forward person. She loves saying out what she is saying but of course not without going through her brain. She will see the situation to decide to say or not to say. She is always kind and forgivable person. Even when someone hurts her, she will forgive them. But that's for her friends only. For other people, she will never let it go until she feel satisfy with the punishment they get. So never ever disturb her or annoy her. She can make someone's life really miserable. She loves meeting new friends and chatting. She can to everyone about any topic. Sometimes, she can be very dumb or slow motion. When something happen, she can be the last one to know. But her judging about people are always accurate. Every people that being judge by her is never wrong.


She is a happy go lucky girl and rarely will emo. It doesn't mean she won't feel sad but just covered up by her smiles and laughter only. She don't want other people to get her negative feelings. Always the mood maker in her circle of friends. She loves dancing a lot and will turn to a completely different person when she is dancing. She will become very serious and charming. She is always called as a dance photocopy machine. Every modern dance that she saw once, she will remembers it immediately. Of course some dance is hard for her too. So, she prefer learning harder dance like B-boy, popping, locking and break dance. She is still innocent and don't really know about love things. When people confess to her, sometime she won't really get it until that people clearly state out.


- Dancing

- Analyzing people

-Meeting new friends

- The color blue

- Desserts

- Mint sweets

- Cool weather

- Snow

- Ice creams

- Chocolates



- erts

- Tired

- Raining

- Thundering

- Getting pain

- Seafood

- Dirtiness

- Having long hair

- The smell after the grass being cut

- Hot beverages



- Dancing

- Choreograph new moves

- Chatting

- Eating

- Baking

- Cooking

- Listening to music



- Always move to beat when she listening to music

- When she saw cakes, she will storm inside the shop and buy it

- Her eyes seems full of energy when she is concentrated

- Can watch the snow falls for whole day

- Couldn't sleep alone

- Always showing a blur face when someone saying some hidden meanings things



- Food : Kimbap

- Color : Blue

- Drinks : Fruit juice

- Desserts : Mango mousse

- Ice cream : Choco mint

- Fruits : Mango, Apple, Grapes

- Season : Winter

- Animal : Puppy



- She have 5 piercings at her left ear

- Love spicy food a lot

- Get scared when there is thundering

- Keep on eating sweets when she is nervous

- Love to watch horror movies but tend to close her eyes when it is scary part

- Kicking everything off from bed when she is in deep sleep


Character's BackGround.


Yin Min Woo (47) [Father] - He is always opposing Ryang Hee from dancing. He feels that dancing is useless and never have good future.

Lim Jing Mei (45) [Mother] - She dotes Ryang Hee a lot and give her a lot of support to her in whatever she do. Her mother always help Ryang Hee when her father scold her.

Yin Ji Hyun (20) [Elder brother] - He is always being supportive to her sister. They have good relationship and he always take care of her. Because of Ryang Hee's forgetful and blur characteristic, he worries a lot about her.



She is from a Korean-Chinese family. Her father is korean meanwhile her mother is chinese. They initially live in Hong Kong and Ryang Hee was born at there too. After not long, her father moves his business back to Korea so that they can spend more time with her grandparents. Her father always busy for work until he is 40 years old. Since small, Ryang Hee have talent in dancing a lot. At first, her mother send her to learn ballet. Her teachers says that she have talent and her mother keep on sending her to learn other dancing class too. This is why her passion in dancing is so deep. Her brother isopposite from her. He loves business a lot and helps her father in work. Her brother is always a high scorer in school. Ryang Hee in contrast, is at studying. She is always being compare by her father. But she never gives up. She keep on joining a lot of competition and won a lot. But her father still doesn't like.



Super Junior's Ryeowook

MBLAQ's Thunder



Character's Love

Love Interest:

Infinite's Hoya

Who does he/her like:

KARA's Nicole



What relationship do you guys have(Hate/Love,BestFriends, Stranger):

Hate. They always fight with each other especially in dancing.


Character's Talent.

What is his/her talent:



Why didn't he/she get into DreamHigh:

Before the audition, her friend 'accidently' make her sprained her leg. This make her couldn't even walk properly. But she insist to go for audition. She is going to dance with her friend at the audition. Her friend 'accidently' kicked her leg and she couldn't even continue dance. Well, all the accident are intentional and that girl got in meanwhile Ryang Hee failed.


Anything I missed?:


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