Leaving AFF

 Hey Everyone,

I This is a bit sudden but I am leaving AFF for awhile... I'm not going to deactivate but I may not come back on for a long time. I promise its not you guys but me.......I told some of you I've been thinking about something and this was kind of it. I've been angry and everything lately..I just haven't been really happy lately. I promise I will be coming back as soon as I can I don't believe I'll be gone long until then wait for me. Tomorrow will be my last day to talking to everyone. I may pop in time after time to check on you guys but that'll be it. I might come back on June or maybe longer.

I love you guys!!! Please be happy and smile. :)



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Take care <3
zeeninja #2
Really? Dx ;___;
Just glad that you won't be leaving forever ^^'
Take care :)
take care unnie ^^
So many people leaving. Wish you all the best Unnie.
I'm really glad you arn't leaving forever!! *cries* you scared me!!! vv

But I'l see you when you get back! ^^ Take care!!!!
Take Care then! ^^
Nuuuh~ be well <3
What?! Again someone else is leaving...
Well whatever's wrong... I wish u the best*