DEFCON Survivor: Song, Junghwa

  song junghwa .



the puppeteer



username : aeniel



name : ryo



activity : 4



ife αfter ϒou



character's name : song, junghwa


d.o.b & age : 1993|october|25 & 19


height : 168cm, 5ft, 69/64inch


weight : 49kg, 108.02lbs (i'm bad in lbs math)


blood type : ab


ethnicity : full korean


place of birth : calgary, canada



hometown : incheon, south korea



languages spoken : korean (conversational), english (fluent), chinese (basic), japanese (basic)



ɩmage σf ʈhe ɩnvisible



ulzzang : yoon sua


links : + + + + + + + + +


back-up ulzzang : park sora


links : + + + + + + + + 


appearance : junghwa likes to wearing something comfortable yet fiercess in a black colored. she has a double piercings on her both ears.



ʯnder ʈhe rose



personality : song junghwa is a cool and introverted person. reffered to 'humanists', type ab's are said to be controlled more by her

head, than by her heart. she is a rational, hardworking, but unpredictable. although inclined to be distant, she prefer harmony and as 

such, work well with mediators. some consider her two-faced, and therefore untrustworthy. she's very introverted and rational attitude.

she also likes aloof, but can afford cooperate if need. she will be what you desire, but if you were only close to her and she will not

fall on to someone's prank. she is not that stupid as people though, just because she is cold-hearted, that does not mean, she can't

be as that smart. 


in addition, she does have worst traits and flaws of- critical and to be indecisive. not to be mention, she is fearless than what you think.

she could be cheerful and gregarious in the inside, but that's really rare to be seen, only one way you would wish to see it ; talk first 

before her and to make both conversation became warmer. other than that, if you make one mistake that can disappoint her, you can't

be forgiven until she feels calm but not to those strange strangers. yes, she is unforgiving person, not that easy to make her calm after

you did her feeling disappointed and got the hot-tempered on. otherwise, she can be strict sometimes but for a good choice.


fear[s] : speeding cars, small room.


likes : stitch, huge teddy, kittens, rabbit, apple, coke, gass drink, hoodies.


dislikes : arrogant person, aegyos, try hard to be pretty, smoke makeup, thunder, mushrooms


habits : chewing bubblegums, flipped her hair through her back ear, bite her bottom lips when nervous, held her head when panic.


trivia : 

) is the only child.

) queen of bubblegums.

) does have a stitch collection in her previous room.

) won a lot of basketball events.

) does smocking but barely do now.

) didn't know how to ride a bicycle.

) scared of big dogs and horse.

) likes to skateboarding and dance to hip-hop.

) able to drove a motorbike.

) had a black belt in taekwondo.

) has an ability to use gun when fighting.



run βaby run



say hello to my little friend : rifle calgun , swat mini k , x sword


strengths : creativity, mastering new skills, bravery, gratitude, fearless.


weaknesses : wasteful, stict, indecisive, unforgiving.



ong ong ʈime αgo



history : song junghwa were born in a wealthy family, that giving out a good choice for her. both parents wasn't forcing her to be

whatever they wanted. her mother, would giving junghwa much free life but sometimes, she will teached junghwa in a good lesson.

her father was a busy-businessman at that time, so she is only close with her mother, jinhye. they both are didn't even tried to splitted.

when she reached her age at 12, she did learn on how to fight since her grandfather is a great fighter when he is still young and teenage.

she wanting to replaced him when he suddenly gone and went to heaven. her grandfather left the world, leaving all of his energy against

junghwa and she slowly getting knew all about fights. she will use it when needed and for emergancy. she grewed up in just one blinked.

song junghwa; from the innocent and girly turned to cold-hearted and powerful junghwa. she changed for her safety ever since she get

bullied all the time during her elemantary school. her both parents moved back to canada, leaving junghwa alone, she slowly had to live

by her own. she working at babies daycare for part-time, after school, she will go there to started her jobs, to made her own money.

she already 19, and there we go.


alliances :

choi hwamin (oc) | 25 | hwamin is the owner of the babies daycare and junghwa getting know about him

ever since she worked there. | funny, active, joyful, loud.


bang yongguk | 22 | yongguk and junghwa is used to be in the same team during their basketball event

and battles with another teams. he is the leader of the team. | mischievous, gregarious, clumsy.


moon jongup | 17 | he is the loyal teammate of yongguk's basketball team, with junghwa. | joyful,

calm, very helpful.


lee jieun/iu | 19 | iu is the one that introduced junghwa all about music and instrument player. they

both met up during iu's transferring school to her school and since junghwa seems the one that never

bullied her, so iu ended up to asked something about history subject. she does knew history and math,

the most. slowly, they being close friend. | charming, happy, warm, joyful.


rival[s] : kim jinhee/jei | 22 | jei was junghwa's classmate and they both used to be friend. jei wants to be friend with junghwa just because

she had a lot of guys friends around her, and jei does feeling jealous after releasing that jongup (her crush) did never noticed jei or even

talk with her afterall. jei slowly moved away from junghwa and that's really puts some hint towards junghwa's mastermind. | two-faced,

selfish, too confident but hardworking.




Ӎy ɦeart ωill go σn



love interest : bang minsoo/c.a.p


back-up love interests : lee howon/hoya


age : 22


personality : he is kind of gentle guy that you ever know. he is very polite towards a lady, especially to their loved one. helping people

is his job, exception for someone has a teenaged looking and unpolitely when he have been helped. he may looks weird but yet muscle 

man on the outside but when you get closer with him, you can see how friendly he is. he can act funny also, but depends on his mood.

his worst traits are; forgetful, irresponsible and can be jealousy of love but not that easy. he can thinks positive, before doing something

childish that will included his feeling.


relationship : crushing.


how the two of you met : c.a.p and junghwa haven't met yet before these infected viruses became worst and the darkness coming up

when junghwa does feeling hungry and her bag are totally empty, she out for looking some good but she can ride a motorbike, so she can

be saved for awhile. she went to the gas station since it does not having a smells and far away from "them", but then she could see one

motorbike are parked in front of her's. she ignored it because she is not that stupid to believe if there is a 'zombie' who would like to 

ride these engine thingy. she walks in and seeing one muscle guy, finding some food and insert them inside of his backpack. she went 

beside him, making him jumps a little of suprising. she greets him while putting some snacks and drinks inside of her own large slung bag.

he is the one, who didn't afraid to made up some or even a little conversation with junghwa. until then, a lot of figure getting closer

outside of the gas station, they both started to have a fight with 'them' and when they are going to coming up more, junghwa and him,

drove off to their current destination; where their members are waiting for their comeback.


the future : they may be get along together, but if he can be saved of his injured arm, by fighting (luckily, junghwa does saved him or 

else, he will be dead.)




ȡead αnd gone



comments&/questions : nope. i think you did a great job to have my- i mean, our attention to this fiction. *^* i love action applyfics.

seriously. okay, i'm going to be crazy soon. have a good luck! and i'll be looking forward to these. ^^


scene requests : actually, i'm out of idea and so i'll be requested something short. ; some hilarious moment and maybe a scenarious?


password : monster is looking!









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