Donghae, Siwon or Kyuhyun? : The story idea that doesn't have a love interest for Eunhyuk... Yet. [HELP?]

//I did not correct my grammar/typos/all-that-jazz, cause I'm lazy and I'm pulling an almost all nighter, I don't think my head can work properly at 05AM. èé\\

/so shy right now

I'm not used to writing blogs, but I do hope I'll find the time and the will to do some, once in a while...
I love writing, obviously. I write a lot these days, and I can't seem to stop. Which is annoying, cause my ideas are making babies which are making babies and then some more babies... Yeah, just why not?
I have a list of ideas scrambling around in my head, a list of ideas on paper and a list of ideas on computer... I don't get my brain! Why can you not be happy with two or three stories will you tell me why, you suffocating brain?!

I believe I have 50 to 70 ideas littering my head or some paper... And then I have a couple more started... And then we have my Eunhyuk stories... Oh dear, do I have to tell you how many I started since my 'enrollment' here? I do, I do, I do. I want to share my shame, so if I'm not alone, someone will tell me their feels... Right? RIGHT? You better~

Two of these are finished, one shots are so simple, right? x3
Oh-my-god... I have the unlucky number, yes yes indeed, I have thirteen (yeah, I find it looks less unlucky like this~) stories that I started/finished already. What's my problem, will you guys tell me that? And that's not even counting a sequel I plan to write for my last story~ Oh dear, please don't let me drown into my words. That'd be so damn tragic... Well I like tragic things, so... No. No! I don't want to be suffocated by words, my good life... My friends... And by friends, I'm talking about you guys. Those that I actually talked too for more than just a thank you... You know, even if I love those that I had to thanks because... They obviously did something for me... (Like reading my stories, BOOYA!) 

Back to the real subject of this blog... Because yes, we haven't even touched it yet... Yeah, I know, sad. (Did I tell you guys that I love writing? Yes? Ah, didn't think I did...) I have this amazing sauce idea in my head, like superduperly amazing and... I know Hyukjae is going to be the main character, only... I love him with everyone and because of that... I don't know who I want him to be with... Be it Donghae, Kyuhyun or even Siwon! I'm discombobulated, seriously~

My mental self is so confused. The story is already started so no need to tell me I already have two stories that I haven't completed yet... Nor do you have to remind me that I have THIRTEEN stories in progress or completed... You don't have to tell me, thank you very much~ I know that already [[[;
What I want to know is by a snippet of the story, who would you see as the love interest for this story? [:

Well, now on to the story and please don't use this idea this is not an FF idea dump... This is, well you get what this is~

Eunhyuk works as a dancer in a club -not those types of dance, bunch of erts~ - and while he waits for his turn, he talk around and about to people, flirting, being friendly, helping people feel less lonely. -Yeah, a bit like a host, kind of... Not really...- where he will meet the father of the love interest a couple times... They'll have fun, nothing rated, thank you... And they'll become great friends, until the son of the father, about the same age as our protagonist, barges in and starts throwing into a blowing fan... He'll show his hate for Eunhyuk right away, thinking they're actually having or something... Yet he'll meet the guy again in a coffee shop and will be still very mean. Only he doesn't know that Eunhyuk has this situation where he has to work the two jobs for money... They'll bicker and all that jazz... Fall in love and all that jazz... And just be awesome together~

Yeahser, that's the idea I have littering my head, composting and all... I have to write some parts down, but it annoys me when I can't say the name of the other, cause he's a nobody still and also I don't know which characteristics to put on him... Yeah, so please help?! I'd love you forever~ x333
I can even write you a story if you tell me? x3 /kidding, I'm not that crazy~


Well, seriously, I should get rid of my creative juices for a while... No, not my creative juices but just... the compost~ So my garden of thoughts will stop making babies, all ready, dammit.
--That was kind of but not exactly poetic, right? x3 I'm awesome and I'm kidding~ x3


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I see your dilema I want to say siwon,but then kyu would be better with side siwon or hae. Hope this helped!!!