Siwon Cells?

So, I'm sitting in Human Bio today and the Professor starts talking about the nervous system.

Suddenly I hear the word Siwon come out of and I'm like "Choi?"

But, no she said Schwann, as in Schwann Cells. Which sounds exaclty like Siwon.

So, the pitcture on the screen looked like this:

And the picture in my mind looked like this:

Sorry Professor, my picture's better.



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eunhaekaisooftw #1
DEFINITELY //nods . ur lecturer can never win over this .
yup, i agree.. ur pic is waaaay better! and waaay hotter xD
I agree, yours is better XD
miss-siwon #4
Oh god xD Thats hilarious~ xD
haha thats the best way to study XD put a pic of Suju and if u study like i did sone marqueting U know how to sell ur "product" to ur client that is Suju XD hahaa or Criminology just think likr Kyu and Heechul and everything will be fine thats what i do hahahahaha XD
Oh, so it's part of the myline (IDK how to spell it) sheath. Cool
*ded* xD I'm laughing a lot more then I should.....
is that how you pronounce his name?? Oh my god, some ELF I am. I always pronounced it Sigh-won. But its Shi-won? I wonder if I'm pronouncing any of their names right :/
pilikpoplove #10
Ahaha they don't sound the same to me! shwann cells
remind me of myelin XD
Haha the same thing happen to me when I was taking psychology class and I was like naaaaa my professor said Siwon and then I realize that she didn't !!! Lol we are to hook up with suju XD I hear their name every where!!!
I would think the same thing too! I love Siwon! He is SO hot and cute at the same time!
Boxxinamja #13
This cracked me up. XD My professors name IS Choi, so I have an excuse. :)