Proposed Change - Points System

I'm considering changing the way this roleplay operates to be based upon a points system, as suggested by Won Jongjin. All characters will have chances to earn or lose points. My intention is to reward activity on the site. Different actions will affect your amount of points and if your character reaches 10,000 points I'll buy you a $10 gift card to somewhere or work out some other rewards.


I would make a forum for points where each person would have their own thread. Whenever you gain or lose points I would post in that thread so you, and everyone else, can see how many points you are earning. If I miss adding/subtracting points then you can let me know so I can fix it. Points would continue to add if you get to 10,000 and don't use them and they would be rolled over if, for instance, you had 15,000 points and then wanted to use 10,000 of them to get a reward. You would keep the extra 5,000. You could also gift someone your points, but not any more than you have earned. I would make a little virtual gift thing for this lol.

Activities that would earn or take away points would be:

  • Participating in an event +50pts
  • Winning a contest/event +150~1,000pts (depending on the event)
  • Teacher holding a class +100 pts
  • Teacher handing out grades at the end of a class +20pts
  • Student getting an A +20pts
  • Student getting a B +10pts
  • Student attending a class +50pts
  • Staff member assisting someone (job related) +150pts
  • Your birthday +100pts
  • Getting into a relationship +50pts each person
  • Other random things I would ask you guys to do or participate in like giving feedback/suggestions, advertising etc.


  • Student getting a detention -10pts
  • Getting suspended from school/work -100pts
  • Getting a warning for an activity check -150pts
  • Pissing me off -5pts
  • Student getting an F -5pts



When you get 10,000 points and want to get a reward I would buy you a gift card to someplace I personally trust like yesasia, forever21 and other common clothing stores, Sanrio etc. I would make a list of these stores. I would take suggestions for other stores but they must have gift cards available for purchase online, ship to your own country, be a reputable business, be ethical (I don’t want to buy anything from an company, even if it’s a gift. Like, don’t ask me to buy you a chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A or something lol), and not be a religious organization. I could also donate the money to a trusted charity in your name. I’m also trying to think of other rewards that would be good so make some suggestions please. T^T


What I don’t want is people joining or sticking around just to get points so I buy them things when they don’t actually want to be here. I still want the focus to be on actual roleplaying and I don’t want anyone to get obsessed over points. I do not want anyone spamming or giving crappy, short replies just to get points. I don’t want this system to be confusing to people and turn them off. I do not want to buy gift cards for people and have them forget about them and waste money. I do not want people making multiple accounts and giving all their points to their ‘main’ account or using a second account to vote and help them win a contests for points and stuff because that’s cheating and I will be really really pissed at you and make sure you never work in this town again, okay.  ._.


I would not make this change unless the majority of you support it so please, write me your thoughts, suggestions, criticisms or whatever. You can write here on this blog post or PM me here on aff or on the site. Also, I would really like it if everyone took this anonymous survey about it here:

Do not submit the survey more than once because I can see that and I will not count your second time, however, I can’t actually see who you are or anything.


Thank you for reading all of this and for whatever feedback you can provide.


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