imagine ft you and your bias


Kpop Delight

Small imagine ft. you + your bias.

You're happy.
Oh so happy.
Just walking around.
Walking to nowhere.
Nowhere, anywhere, everywhere. 
With him. 
It's the little moments that you love more than anything.
Like this.
Not doing anything really major.
Just walking around.
Just the "everyday".
Just wishing that it'll never end.

And when you look up to his face...
You smile.
You're reminded of your little observations of him.
The way his eyes twinkle when he's excited.
The way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he's smiling.
The way one side of his lips just curls up a little higher.
The way his laughter just fills the room.
The way he sings to you seriously.
The way he sings to you not so seriously.
The way he tries to hide his dimple with his hand.
The way he just looks at you when he thinks you're not looking.
The way he quickly turns away when you catch him looking.
The way when you look at each other and not having to say a thing, 
"I love you" is the only thing you hear.
Small moments like these...
Makes you believe that you're the luckiest person in the world.
- 96orion


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