
They are very importantè.

I didn't really care for them till now but... they have saved me.

At least for one story.

So from now on, I'll make another storyboard for The Twist so I can know just where tf I'm going with it exactly since still... no clue.

As for educating myself on video making, I should do that cause I wanna trailer my stories too. It would be so cool to see them like that~~ and I already have the words and pictures and songs in mind just... no idea how to make one.

So I shall do that and then make at least one for my fave story.

Yes, I favor my stories now. I mean, c'mon Crimson Tides: Origins is the first ongoing story I have ever written with the utmost passion. It's my own. My love. My bb. The first born.

T'is me fave, mate.

Where am I going with this?

I was gonna update today and I was so close and then... I got sleepy and my brother called and was like "I need you tomorrow for the rest of the week" and I was like ...... but my 3 day vacation :(

So no vacation ;-------;

I wonder what Jonghyun and Key are doing right now. :3

Who's writing that hospital birthday fic that I put on tumblr yesterday? No one...? I WANT TO READ ABOUT SOME SWEET LOVIN'

Oh well. Someone Skype me if Key takes a picture with him tonight and whoever shows up to celebrate. Nicole maybe? I miss huhhhhh~~ ♥



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Jjong is still recovering from his accident. So sad cause it's his birthday and I think the other members are still in Japan. My baby needs me!!!