Lifeless Colors~


Lifeless Colors;


Take out your pen;Whare you;?






{NameLee Cho Hee

{Nacionality; Half Korean, Half American


Get your crayon;

Why soserious;?



{Pesonality; She's tom boy-ish. She may be violent at times. She won't deny, she looks slightly like a serious person to strangers, but once you really know her she's actually very caring and nice. She alwas takes her time to help out a friend and listen to them. She cares a lot for her friends, but very little for herself. If anyone insults them verbally she'll bark right back, without thinking of the consequences that may lay ahead. She's a little stubborn and does aegyo at times when she doesn't get her way. However, besides her mean streak boy side, she's an ecstatically hyper and playful girl. She can easily be pleased with sweets like chocolate, earning her the nickname, Choco. 

She hates to clean and even when there is nothing to do, she would rather stare at a wall then clean. She has low blood pressure making it troublesome for her getting out of bed in the morning. Because of this, she's really lazy and doesn't tend to be nice or polite. After eleven though, she's usually happy and can take whatever that is thrown at her.



-Likes: sweet treats, spicy food, music, summer time, sleeping, drawing, gaming, playing piano when no one is around

-Dislikes: annoying people, bullies, sour food, cold days/winter, pranks, chores, birds, being alone

{Style; 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9

-basically, anything loose and comfortable


Wow, fantastic baby;




{NameJin Young

{How  did you meet himFriends with Jae Bum, he introduced the two of them.

I got yoursawg;

Get ready to shine;



{Aditional Information?; SORRY FOR NOT APPLYING QUICKER X_X also the way the application was applied out kept getting messed up by my computer...sorry

-she prefers hanging out with guys, since she's more comfortable with them

-Blue/green eye colour

-It's easy to make her do something (just bribe her with sweets)

-She has a husky puppy at home named Chomper, because he bites everything

-She loves dying her hair, and even though people say it supposedly kills her hair, she's prone to it with lucious soft hair. Also she like's dying her hair bright colours

-Habits: puffing her cheeks up randomely, biting her lip

-Fears: the dark, scared of heights



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-notyourself #1
may you give me the name of the idol you'll be using as visual? - i really need it because i only need that to finish it >-<