Looking for (Miss Charisma) Bang Minah






 || Teen Top Looking for Miss Right ||


(LoVeFoReVeR77) (Hong Young Ki).


persona:  Miss Charisma

stagename : Min

age : 16

height : 158 cm

weight : 42 kg

position : main vocalist, lead dancer

Basic Information ;;

fullname : Bang Minah

d.o.b : 7/12/1997

p.o.b : Seoul, South Korea

hometown : Incheon, South Korea

ethnicity : Korean


bloodtype : B+



personality : Bbung Buing.

                    Minah is the most aegyo person you could see in your life. She looks cute when she is sad (puffing cheeks), she looks cute when she smiles crescent moon shaped eyes and a dimple on her right cheek), and she even looks cute when she begs for something (she would do anything you ask for she would even grant everything you ask for). She likes smiling in every second passing and she hardly ever gets angry. She also likes seeing people happy and smiling. Even though she doesn’t get angry easily, she can irritate her very easily and she is a person who can be teased. She likes winking and doing cute poses when she is taking a picture. She hates looking at her reflection since she thinks that if you look at yourself too much you will turn ugly. She likes hugging people. She hugs almost everyone weather it was someone she didn’t see from a long time or someone she just saw moments ago. She laughs whenever someone else laughs even if she doesn’t know the reason of laughing, she shed tears while laughing.

                     Everyone has flaws

                    Minah is not perfects she also has flaws like everyone else. She had braces and got them off a year ago. She talks way too much. She can’t keep her thoughts to herself and it is so obvious to know if she is sad. She always asks questions and she is always curious about every single thing. She doesn’t eat things that don’t look nice. She can’t stand one day without sweets. She likes to bicker with people close to her and she always annoys them. She can’t stand not using her iPad. She is a messy sleeper and you can find everything in her bed including fan letters, chargers, her iPad, her laptop, and headphones. When she is stressed out she wants to commit suicide

                  It is hard to live like Her.

                   Minah is pretty but not that pure prettiness. She often gets bullied as a result of that. They often say that she had plastic surgery and that the reason her eyes are somehow wide is because she had an eyelid surgery. But she didn't have a surgery.They often pull her hair, splash her with water and juice, shower her with food, and worst they spread false rummors that she is a player that goes clubbing with several boys each day. They don't care about how young she is and how she is underaged. Minah still endures as much as she can and tries not to give up. Even though they have insulted her in her biggest passion. In music classes, they would pass papers around and giggle and she still endures even thought she knows that what in this paper is about how bad she is. She endures and not talk to them and fight for her rights, just because she is confident in her singing and she knows that they are lying to their self.


                   Not to forget to mention that she's such a responsible girl. Looking at her age someone will think that she is so immature and too cute to be responsible. But through all her life and everything she went through she bacame mature at an early age. She recieved so many haters and many bullied her, that was one reason she became understanding of things. She rarely spent time with her parents(Her father always working in his company and her mother traveling to many countries as a fashion designer) and that gave her much time to spend reflecting on whatever she did in her life( when she was an elementary school student she used to bully and make fun of people in her class) and now she is a better person.

                 Stage Fear

                 She may have a fear of cameras, stage, cameraflashes, and huge crowd of people, Minah can be funny and active behind them. Her life revolves around laughing and cracking jokes. What makes her unperfect is that she fears stages. Even though she can be confortable when taking selcas she is really uncomfortable when someone takes pictures of her. She discovered that she has this kind of fear when she participated in the piano competition in her school. That time she fainted on stage. Her fear has reached a limit that no one actually heard her singing except her parents, bap, and the time she auditioned for Tsent. Her top goal that she wants to achieve when she gets into TOPMedia is to get rid of this fear and finally perform normally without suttering or fainting.

                 Never dated.

                 An innocent young girl who has never dates anyone and still waiting  for her prince charming to come. Even that many guys had confessed to her she always turns them down knowing that they are not the ones that will make her heart skip a beat. She believes in love and she thinks highly of it. She wants to love and date. She says that he only think she wants in this worl is to recieve love and to love. She claims that she will be the happiest person in Earth if she falls in love and be able to spend the time with her lover. 

likes : Ljoe: well it’s kind of a love-hate thing. She hates him, but at the same time finds herself comfortable around him. They have opposite personalities and they always bicker.

          Blue: it reminds her of the sky and everything peaceful.

         Bershka: Well you can say she is in love with this brand.

         Autumn time: When asked what it reminds her off she answered “It’s a time when trees turn a new page in life and forget everything they have got through; I wonder if we could be like them, that we can forget everything”

                                Writing lyrics: It is just a way that she can pour all her feeling out.

                                Sweets: especially lollipops.

                                Cakes: Cheese cakes and all her life is revolving around cheesecakes.

                                Pizza: She can eat it without getting full and she has no problem eating eat every day.

                              Moon Jowoon:  Her favorite actor ever.

                              Chetoos: Everyone around her can agree that she is addicted to it

                              Bridal mask: her favorite drama.

                              Collecting hair accessories: In another it’s something called ‘I like my hair so much’   

                             Skinship: It's someting that makes her feel secure 

                                Amusement park: One of her favorite places on earth.

                             Watching people arguing: When she watches people fighting or arguing it feels like if she is watching   a     movie or as if she was in a theater.

                              Puzzles: She says that it is like a way to active your brain.     


dislikes : People obsessed with their looks and self: especially if they were ugly as hell.

              Shrimps: She hates its smell and taste and she has an allergy of it on top of everything.

              Quit: Quit environment and quit people. She hates it a lot and she feels awkward.

             Banana: Everything with banana. Ice-cream, milk, and crepes.        

             Cling romance movies: She feels gross and like puking.

             Strong Perfume: She has asthma.

             Winter: Because you have to wear so much layers of clothes.

             Horror movies: After watching horror movies she will be awake and not sleep and if she slept she will dream of the movie.

              Ghosts: She dislikes everything that's supernatural

              Black: She think that seeing black means death

               Hard times : especially when her friends abonden her uring these times 

              War Movies: since her brother likes them she decided to dislike them just to argue with him.

              Ketchup, mustard, and pickles: It tastes aweful, that's the reason for hhating it plus it looks digusting.

 habits : She rubs the back of her neck when she is nervous.

             She hums while doing chores at home.

              She puffs her cheeks and pout when she is awkward.

              Bits her lips or nails when she is nervous.

              Tapping her right lug on the ground when she is nervous.

              Eats when she watches something or when she is bored.

trivia : She has asthma

            She has 4 piercing in her right ear and 3 on her left.

            She wanted a piercing on her belly but her mother disagreed.

           She keeps imitating bridal mask.

            Never dated.

            Never had her first kiss.

           Motto is “As long as you’re not dead your life isn’t the end.

           She is often called a “2 tongued person” because of how she replies at people”.

           Plays piano, guitar, violin, and drums.

           She can do splits and back flips.

           She can’t lie.

           She can cook so well.

           She has black belt in Karate.

           She can’t swim.

           A cat scratched her on her left upper thigh when she was 4 and now she hates wearing short cloth.

           She can speak English, Korean, and Chinese fluently.

          She is a straight A student. She hates taking less than A.

           She gets scolded so much.

             She likes watching cartoon. Gets called a baby because of that.

            She don’t have an ideal type and that’s what surprised people.

             Likes reading, studying, and surfing the web

             She can draw everything, her drawing seem so real.

             Her handwriting in Korean(Hangul) is so perfect.

             She dots with hearts when writing english.

             She plans to write a letter in pink ink when she will finally confess.

            Her prince charming is someone who will confess to her by singing.

            A big fan of Btob and her bias is minhyuk.

            Her dream is to get a chance to have a duet with ilhoon

            She is a big fan of drama.

             She read the comlete Harry Poter series. She is a big fan of English Novels.

            She can imitate people voices so well

             She has hydrophobia(fear of water)

             She gets bullied a lot in school and that's because she is close with certain teachers.

             No body except her,her team mates, teentop, parents,top media staff, ts staff, secret, and bap knows that she is Yongguk's little sister.

             She is so creative when cooking(she tries to decorate the dish so it looks nice)

              She claims that when she tans her skin color becames aweful

              Half of her clothes are hoodies.

             She can be tricked so easily.  

             She drinks Americano at morning.

             She collects many photo albums of herself and family.

             She participated in writing the lyrics of some B.A.p songs with her brother.

             She uses many emoticons in her texts.

              She has a fear of stages, camraflashes, etc. (Every thing dealing with fame)






Back to Reality ;;

Did your personality on stage changed? : [>< ] Yes  [ ] No

On stage she has her cool image and she becomes serious. She no longer is the cute- nerdy Minah.

trainee life : She got accepted by sending an application to audition. She trained for 1 year and she finds it as fun as it was in TS. She trained for TS for 2 years before joining. She quit TS because she wanted to debut sooner. She finds it difficult to focus on both training and school that she tried committing suicide two times. The first time was by taking an overdose of drugs but as soon as she collapsed she was taken to the hospital and thankfully she was all right. The second time was by drowning herself but she was saved by Chungji.

family background :

Bang Jiyoung/father/45/ serious kind but playful at times.

                                             Bang Solbi/mother/40/ lovely, caring, and kind. Minah likes speaking her thoughts to her.

                                    Bang Yongguk/brother/23/A member of B.A.P. He is overprotective and caring. He rarely gets angry at her. He taught her how to dance and he is the one who made her interested in music.

 friends : Teo/a cheerful boy who was her schoolmate in elementary school they still keep in contact, he debuted in Lunafly/they met in the first day she entered elementary school, he guided her to her class.

Yun/ an ignorant bastard that she used to hate but thanks to Teo now they are bestest of friends/ when she visited Teo in their recording room one time she met him.

Daehyun/ Her brother’s group mate that she likes the most, he is like her brother and he treats her like a sister/she was able to make friends with him when she was a trainee.


previous relationship : Single

rivals? : Hyosung/23/ part of the girl group secret/ she bullied her back on her trainee days and she was a major reason that she quitted training under TS. Until know whenever they meet Hyosung would give her those dirty looks. Hyosung even lied to B.A.P and told them that Minah is a player so they can quit being her friends.


scene request? : A scene where she and Ljoe bicker about something and a scene where she tells Ljoe that he is like a girl because he looks at the mirror too much.

suggestions? : None

password : I love Ljoe (or Chungji) and the song Missing you by teentop

Hope you like it. ^^ and here is an aditional link for the ulzzang Here


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