SME cruel? OMG


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Iam quietly aware of the rumour about that but still Iam really shock and cried so much when read this...poor our boys..T.T..
Iam really hate hate hate hate 'them'...#$@#$^&&$#....
Tbh there's no legit real source atm bcos all of sm's artist should've left then :/
And LSM doesn't manage SM anymore it's Kim Youngmin the evil guy who drove JYJ out..
In an older article Jaejoong even said positive things about LSM haha
i already watched it years ago and i reeally hate it very much!!
i felt my face was burning and red because too much angrier in my body!!
i cried when i read changmin part and jaejoong part!
why that lee soo man guy was soooo cruel toooo them?!!
and thats is one of the reason why dbsk separate!!
How could SM do such cruel things to to the ones that are making THEM money.
I so pissed that they beat up DBSK.
That is ____ed up. Seriously.
I cannot believe that SM is doing this to their entertainers.
If I was getting assaulted by anyone at SM then I would leave like the others.
I would sue them then leave.
I'm still in shock!!
SM is evil and I ____ing hate them right now.
#5 poor my bb jj.. F***!?$&@&$:/-!?! U SM,!!!
i really hate it >,<
i know since the begining