My One Piece cake for my friend ^^

'Cause I'm a supersweet, precious friend like this. Haha, okay, I'm joking. :D

But I baked a cake for my bestfriend's birthday. Here are a few pic:


Her birthday was on the 16th March, she turned 19. ^^

And before her birthday, I was listening to her crazy wish, wich she said to me EVERY DAY, that "You'll bake an One Piece cake for my birthday, okay? Pleaseee~ I WANT an OP cake! I'll love you forever if you do this to me!" and other stuffs like this. She kept telling me to bake a cake to her. (She is a huge OP fan, poor me. .... Or not, I'm an One Piece fan, too~ ;D)

So.... I made this cake.

The picture was made of an eatable wafer. I just had to place this wafel on the cake, wich was not that simple that I thought it would be... >_> But 'cause I'm a baker (okay, I will be a baker... someday), I figured out something. 

I doesn't told her, that I'll bake a cake for her, this was a surprise. And I'm really really really really happy, because she was soooo happy when I walked in the house with the cake! :)

(She told us that we will not eat her cake, because this is an OP cake, and that's it. xD But in the end we eat it. :P)

In her slice of the cake was Luffy. She wanted to eat Luffy, poor him. xD (But if I thought of it, on my birthday I got a cake with Donghae on it. *-* And I eat poor Hae, too. xD). And I got Zoro's... Zoro's crotch.


When I said to her that I got Zoro's crotch on my slice, she just smirked at me and told me that "I thought you would be pleased, after all your favourite character is Zoro. So I intentionally gave you his crotch."

And I just replied to her with irony in my voice "Oh, thank you, you're sooo kind."

True, my favourite character from OP is Zoro (and Sanji, seriously these two.... xD), but... ah, nevermind.



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oh my god! You're such a sweet friend! I'm dying for a one piece cake! I love OP so damn much and my fav is zoro just like you! hee! :D I wish I had a fren that can bake me a cake just like that on my birthday.. but my friend all are idiots in baking.. but still I love them..