Blog 1# My looser life

Will anyone read this? lol probs not, and this is anonymous, so I can write freely and truthfully. Well, that’s the idea, anyway.


I have a boyfriend. My parents fight because of my sister’s -ish behaviour. I like to drink, I’ve smoked weed, I cut myself, and I frequently pinch money out of my dad’s wallet.


I take antidepressants and still feel inadequate. I’m doing nothing with my life. I can’t even get through the first few pages of philosophy for dummies, yet I call myself a “great thinker”.


I lie constantly, so much so that it doesn’t even weigh on my conscience anymore. The last few paragraphs were me telling the truth. Why? Because my inadequacy is plaguing me and I don’t know who to go to for help. I can’t even be completely honest to my closest friends. I feel like I should tell the truth at least once, even if it’s just on a blog site. So welcome, anyone reading this shall experience the most honest version of myself.


I use the word ‘I’ too often. Once I was told that to seem sophisticated and intelligent one must be detached. This is apparently achieved by talking in 3rd person. I want to try this, I want to be sophisticated. Lol, that’s why I’m studding Latin.


So, this is an introduction to my life, and my new blog. I shall update regularly :P


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A second person sharing one body and one mind with you. The truth, hard as it is to speak in person, is easier spoken in the form of writing due to the impersonal forms it takes.You become the words which forms you into something else. This form of writing takes many forms but tells a story of truth hidden in lies.