Alyssa is Back!

Ugggh Finally after waiting for over 3 weeks alyssa is return safely in my home. well Alyssa is the name of my pc. i know i am weird , giving a name for pc, but by years (7 years for sure), it becomes one of closest bestfriends, i study,work, make a note even fangirling and write fanfic in here.


when it was broken i felt so lost, i tried to write on my mother's pc but i can't find my inspiration, once i got, my mom already asked me to return it back -,-


But now it's not big deal anymore because Alyssa back to mama

i will try to update all my fics, first, i will update aozora first, then white day ,, awh both of fic already have poster as well, thank yoy for nikka and starlightaegyo :)))


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