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Basic Information

AFF Name: ShinningStarx3

Aff Profile Link: Link

Character's Name: Yoshida Nanami

: Female

Age & D.O.B (15-18): 16 | 29th December

Ethnicity : Japanese-Chinese

Character's Looks

Height & Weight: 170CM / 45KG

Looks :

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Style (The clothes he/she was wearing before they died):


Ulzzang Name:Park Young Hee

 Character's Personality

Personality: Nanami is someone that will say things outright. She doesn't care much about other people's feelings. Her grade is good and has the look too. She always looks cool and calm. But every word she says will hurt very much. When someone asks her to help them in school work, she will become very warm and help them if there's a teacher there. But when they are alone, she will just reject them with cruel words. She loves being alone. She can be very scary when someone disturbs her. She even uses a knife to threaten that person because they disturb her. Most of the student said that she is a faker and a cold . She hates people talking bad things behind her. When she found out about that, she will like call that person out and ask them to say it again in front of her. If they don’t want to say, she will torture them until they say.


She cares about her friends a lot. When they need help, she always the one help them. She is always kind with her best friends and her family. Her school teacher and her family don’t know about her things because nobody dares to say out. If Nanami found out, they won’t have good life. Sometime, she loves stalking people. She hates people being lovey-dovey.


- Being alone

- Stalking people

- Desserts

- Blue

- Making people’s life miserable

- Spicy food

- Mint



- Annoying people

- Doesn’t get her way

- Brainless people

- Darkness

- erts

- Tasteless food

- Bitterness

- Hot weather



- Playing drum

- Dancing

- Sketching

- Collecting different types of knife

- Stalking



- Love to sit at club or café to stalk people

- When she is bored, she tend closes her eyes

- If she is annoyed by someone, she will take out her knife to play as warning to shut up

- Love to act cute in front of her friends

- Bringing mint sweets to wherever she go



Food : Kimbap

Drinks : Milk and fruit juice

Animal : Puppy

Colour : Blue

Desserts : Mango ice

Fruit : Mango and apple

Number : 3

Musical instrument : Drum



- She loves puppy a lot

- Scared of darkness

- She has 5 piercings on her left ear

- Have a star tattoo at her right wrist

- Always a good daughter in front of her parents

- Allergic to dust

- Easily faint when she is in hot weather

- Does not believe in love

Character's BackGround.

Family(Age,Name, Relationship):

46, Yoshida Haruo, Father | He is always kind with her and try his best to spend some time with Nanami.

40, Chin Mei Jing,Mother | Although she is busy to work with her husband, she still spend time with Nanami very much. Nanami's relationship with her parents is quite good.

Past (What sin did you commit): There's once a girl came and ask Nanami about homework. Then Nanami doesn't help her and insulted her. That girl is a new girl and doesn't know how scary is Nanami. She then told her friends about her and say bad things about her. After Nanami found out, she called the girl out. She threaten her and keep on stalking her. She even take a knife and scratches her. This always make that girl being cautious and at last she get crazy.

How did you die?: When Nanami was at a club with her friends, she got a phone call from her another friend. That girl says that her boyfriend dumped her and she wanted to jump off from the building. Nanami was so nervous because she is one of her best friend. So, she rushed to the place where her friend at. She tried to convince her and calling her to come down. Then, she tried to pull her down but her friend struggled. Her friend accidently pushed her away and at that time she lost her balance and Nanami fall down from the building.

Friends(Age, Relationship, and Name. Only 2 famous friends):

20, Seohyun | She is a caring and kind unnie. She always understand Nanami and help her. Although Nanami is a little loner but she manage to open up her heart. She tried her best to help Nanami from doing those things anymore and Nanami starts to have improvement.

Rivals & Why:

SNSD's Jessica - She is one of the Queenka in the school. Although she have the looks but don't have the brain. She always envy about Nanami that she gets a lot of attention from teachers and boys.She keep on trying to find out Nanami's crime.

Character's Love

Love Interest(Name, Age, Personality):

Yang Seung Ho, 24 | He is always kind and caring to other people. He is always a big brother to other people. He care a lot about his dongsaengs. He loves food a lot and only will quiet down when saw food. Most of the time, he is the one that make the atmosphere liven up.

Why does his/her life ?:

Although he is always the happy guy, but many people doesn't really care about him. He is a leader of the group and he always wears a smile outside. But nobody knows about the pressure inside him. When their team doesn't have good achievement or products out, he is the one that always being blame. The office work is so pressuring and boring for him.

Who does he/her like: 2NE1's Dara



Anything I missed?:


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