Try to guess who's not on hiatus anymore?!

I'm back to my normal, happy self! No more hiatus and I need to keep going with my fics. Its been too damn long since I've actually updated them and now that I'm a bit less worried about school {cuz I have only 4 classes this trimester} I can actually work on my fics. YEEAAH! I'm sorry for not updating guess I'm just lazy as . Lol. I really am.

Now spring break is over just like The Walking Dead. They killed Merle ;_; Why am I even talking about this here .-. Anyway this means, back to school and nothing to do... which . Even though its not much of a change since I didn't do this week. Except eat, sleep and watch Adventure Time. Yea. I'm a lazy cat.

I even deactivated my FB accout all this time so it wasn't just an AFF thing. I was really down and I didn't want to talk to anyone so I just ate chocolate and watched TV all week. That's what a depressed teenage girl does. Isn't it?

I'm freaking melting okay. My fan broke yesterday. We were at Walmart earlier today and my dad didn't buy me a new one. Guess I'm gonna have to survive with the mosquitoes eating me alive at night.

Am I ever gonna shut up?!

Bye 


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Yeah you're back, darling! <3
I'm glad.. you're happier? cx
If you're not better, GET BETTER!
I write when I'm depressed xD
I'm a really weird guy, I guess? I don't know LOL
I haven't spoken to you in a while and... I missed you ^^
But I can't really talk right now (I'm reading a fic lol) but I'm glad you aren't on hiatus anymore.
Ttyl <3