True Baby right here XD *points to self*

So when this B.A.P FB asked what they'd give Yongguk for his birthday, everyone said stuff like "whatever he wants", "a hug", "a kiss", "write him a song", "cook for him", blah blah blah..........

I said the one thing I know he truly would love and appreciate, donating to a charity in his name. One that involves children because I know he loves them so much.

Oh yeah, and I was the only one who said that too, which I find kind of sad.


Anyways, Happy Birthday Bang baby, I loooooooooooooooove you <3 <3 <3


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yes, that's really true BABY!!! ^________^ Good going!!!!!!!! and HAPPYYY BIRTHDAY GUKKIE <3 <3 <3 (_______ gukkie *___*... did you check out that pic he tweeted.... where he was in a room full of suspicious pictures asking if YOU WANT A BITE...)
Haha, true Baby indeed ;)