
Jin Ae – Kim Donghyun

Song Yun – Lee Jeongmin

Choi Minjoo – Jo Kwangmin

Kim Sanghee—No Minwoo

Ha Ji Mi –Shim Hyunseong

Kwon Raina –Jo Youngmin

                “Raina!” Sanghee called, her arms linked happily with Minjoo.

                Raina didn’t even give a second look to Youngmin as she ran off, feeling free from that horrible boy. She linked arms with Minjoo and gave a big happy grin to her two friends, as if nothing happened. “Hey, where were you all this time!” she asked, leading themselves into the dorms.

                “I’m sorry! I just got soooo caught up in this school! It’s huge!” Sanghee exclaimed, flailing her arms around happily. She was a bit overzealous today, well, usually in her own personal space of Minjoo and Raina. "You just have to see the dorms! They are the awesomest things!”

                Minjoo nudged Raina. “Who was that boy you were with?”

                Raina wanted to scream and kick of the remembrance of Jo Youngmin. “The class president.” She replied sweetly, because if she revealed Youngmin’s true self to them he would probably find out in a snap.

                “Y’know, he was kinda cute.” Sanghee winked.

                Shaking her head, Raina replied. “Not my type. You guys can have him.”

                Minjoo sighed in content. “… I kind of already found someone.” She admitted with a blush.

                “WHO!?” Sanghee said, and both girls covered her mouths simultaneously, earning a few looks by some of the nearby students.

                Minjoo frowned at her friend. “All I know is that he’s part of the student council, you know that boy who was with Raina a while ago? I think that’s his twin brother or something… they look exactly alike!” she marveled in hushed tones.

                “Do you know his name?” Sanghee asked eagerly.

                Minjoo shook his head. “No… but who cares? It’s not like he’s going to like someone like me.”

                Raina gave a look that wasn’t buying Minjoo’s words. “Min-ah, are you kidding me? You’re a total catch! You’re cute and smart! This guy would totally be into you.”

                Minjoo slumped her shoulders, biting her lip. “Eh… whatever you say.”

                The three girls approached the dorms, and it was big and luxurious. The girls squealed in delight. But trying to keep their composure, they walked around neatly while the other students were busy strolling around and catching up with other people. Sanghee placed her hand on one of the golden railings. “Who are you guys rooming with?” she asked absentmindedly, tapping on the shiny surface.

                “I’m rooming with Minjooie~” Raina said proudly.

                “I don’t know who I’m rooming with.” Sanghee frowned. “I put my luggage in your guys’ room for the time being.”

                “You should go to the student council’s office.” Minjoo said. “Or are you too busy? Do you want me to do it for you?”

                Sanghee shook her head. “I’ll go on my own; I know the way… it’s my problem anyway. I’ll see you in a bit!” Sanghee left the dorms as soon as she went in, waving at her friends. As soon as she was alone, a wave of bitterness swept upon her, not liking how she decided to go out on her own instead of bringing Raina and Minjoo.

                She warily entered the student council’s office. She noticed that there were no girls here, at all. Oh great, now she was the odd one out. Uncomfortable, she fiddled with the hem of her purple cardigan. Sanghee noticed the blond guy Raina was with and a brunette who looked just like him—it must have been the one Minjoo was talking about. She wanted to open and ask for help, but they looked a tad busy.

                “Excuse me?”

                Sanghee turned around and saw a cute boy’s head popping from behind the desk. He had a thin stack of papers in his hand and it looked like he was trying to make ample time between his busy works schedule. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She said, her voice a tad blank. “I spaced out.”

                The boy giggled, not laughed. “It’s okay! Youngminnie and Kwangminnie—I mean President Youngmin and Vice President Kwangmin—are  actually going over some schedules, so if you need to talk to them you might have to do it another time—but no love confessions!” He reprimanded, wagging a finger, indicating the two boys were very likable. Sanghee blushed at the comment, but made sure to keep her composure, she had no idea if this guy was worth trusting or not, no matter how cute he appeared to be. The boy continued, and carried on. “Maybe I’ll suffice? What can I help you with?”

                She found it a bit hard to keep a straight face with this guy. He was way too nice. “I… need help with my housing. I think there was a mistake because I didn’t receive my room number.”

                “Ahh.” The boy mumbled, starting to type up on his laptop. “What’s your name?”

                “Kim Sanghee.”

                He didn’t answer as he kept typing more and more things, and she started to lose track of what he was doing. She looked around the room; she noticed the two twins were still in a heated conversation about some student official business and there were two other good-looking guys sitting around doing whatever they needed to do. Was it her or was the student council full of a bunch of good-looking guys?  She reverted her eyes back to the guy, whose tongue was sticking out rather adorably.

                “Hmm, you’re right. The attendance office has mixed something up.” The boy surmised. “Unfortunately I can’t go far into teacher’s territory, so you can ask teacher Kim Donghyun.” He frowned. “I’m so sorry, but for now I’ll put you in a temporary room until they find your permanent housing... you’ll be in girls dorm area number 40, Yong Jin Ae. ”

                Sanghee pursed her lips, disappointed she went all the way here for nothing. And she couldn’t even sleep with Raina and Minjoo, she was stuck with some stranger. “Alright, thanks.”

                The boy smiled, turning off his computer. “Anytime, Miss Sanghee. If you need anything else, just ask me.” He reached out to shake her hand, and she obliged, feeling his surprisingly soft skin. “I’m the student council’s secretary, No Minwoo.”

                She nodded curtly, and left without a word, but the image of No Minwoo remained in her mind.

                She returned to the dorms, finding her friends gone. She sighed, and went to knock on room 40. A very pretty girl opened the door, a bit confused. “Can I help you?” she asked Sanghee.

                Sanghee noticed a small violin poised delicately in the girl’s hands. “Are you Yong Jin Ae?”

                The girl slowly shook her head. “I don’t remember having a roommate.” She said flatly.

                “I’m sorry about that, you have to be burdened. But I was forced to dorm here because the attendance office made a mistake with the housing.”

                Jin Ae’s face turned from ice cold to warm hot chocolate. “Really? Is everything okay?” she asked, almost with a motherly instinct. “If that’s the case, please come in.” Sanghee followed her inside the neat room, where there was a single bed and a futon. “Who sent you here?”

                “The secretary, No Minwoo.” She remembered, thinking back to the sweet boy.

                “To be honest I thought the secretary would be a girl.” Jin Ae giggled. “And do you have to visit the attendance office?”

                “Yeah… Kim Donghyun I believe is the head of attendance.”

                “Oh… he’s one of my teachers.” Jin Ae remembered, her tone helpful. “I can talk to him for you in my first day of classes tomorrow, if that helps.”

                “It does a great deal.” Sanghee said, cracking a smile. She liked Jin Ae, she was a very kind-hearted girl, who cared about her even though they were complete strangers.

                Suddenly, they hear a banging heard from the other side of the wall. The two girls looked back and forth from each other to the wall. Bang. Was someone being shot? Jin Ae went to the other side of the wall and started knocking at it. Another bang. She jumped in surprise. Maybe they were playing a videogame?

                Jin Ae then stormed out of the room and knocked on the neighbor’s door. Two girls opened it, equally curious. They looked as if nothing was going on. “Hi.” One girl said, acting a tad awkward.

                “Ah, Hi.” Jin Ae smiled. “Is something… happening inside there?” She asked, pointing to the room. “Because we can hear it all the way from our room…”

                “Oh, really?” One of the girls asked, a tad bit sarcastic. “I didn’t hear a thing.”

                The other girl covered . “We’re sorry,” she glared at her roommate harshly. “We’re sorry… right, Yun?”

                Yun rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

                Jin Ae nodded, and backed away slightly. They were weird. “Heheh, no problem! Well if there’s a problem, I’m right next door.”

                The two nodded, and entered their respective room. Yun sighed, and flopped on the tiny bed. She looked to the wall where she was trying to install a baree—a ballet handrail. It was placed neatly, and her toolbox she stole—eheh, borrowed, from the janitors was off to the side and ready to be put back.

                “See? I knew you’d get found out.” Her roommate chided, shaking her head.

                Yun stuck out her tongue. “Oh, c’mon Ji Mi! They had no idea what I was doing!”

                “You’re just lucky I covered for you.” Ji Mi huffed, crossing her arms.

                “Lalala~ shut up.” Yun sang, covering her ears. “You gotta let loose, the first day of classes is tomorrow!”

                Ji Mi gave into the cute little girl, and nodded. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Fresh start, right?”

                And the following morning would be the first day of Imperial Rose Academy.



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