DIVINE Application


Account Information

Username: Mae-chan

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/22646

Character Basic/Personal Information

Character Name: Choi Mi Tae

Nicknames: Mae, Mae-chan, Tae-chan

Stage Name (What you want to be known as): Mae

Age: 20

Date Of Birth: 19/09

Height: 165

Weight: 47

Blood Type: AB

Ethnicity: Half Korean, Half Japanese

Languages: Home slang japanese, Fluent Korean


Hometown: Osaka 





Ulzzang used: Minju



Character Information

Personality: Mi Tae is a very mysterious and quiet girl when you first meet her. She naturally gives off a cold vibe and most people stay away from her. She is known to have a cold shell and does not like to let people into her life. If you are able to break her cold shell she we be able to open up to you and become very good friends, but first you have to earn her trust. She was betrayed in the past so now she a lot of trust issues. The only person she can trust is her brother, Choi Seunghyun. There are only a few people that can trust and they are her best friends that have been with her forever. Or the people she can relate with. 

Her favorite thing to do is dance and sings. She will start dancing randomly if she hears music, but she doesn't like it when people hear her sing. Apparently her voice can make people stop what they are doing and listen. Because she doesn't like all the attention she won't sing for anybody except her brother and friends. She hates being in the center of attention but on the inside she really wants people to look at her.  She has a split personality, on the outside she is cold and doesn't like people, but on the inside she wants to be able to make friends and protect them and make them laugh. She is confident to the extent that she can't show her true feelings even if she really wants to. When she is with people she can trust she will be open and fun and happy but with everybody else she can’t express that feeling. She will be cold and not listen. She will only listen to authorities because she was taught to. 

She is a very smart girl but doesn't like to try in school. So she will either sleep in school or skip school. She is kind natured but no one is able to see that, but she has a short temper and can get angry easily. She is a er for cute things (that are not pink) but hates when her 'girly side' comes out, so she tries to run. To her it is very embarrassing to show her girly side. So she will not wear dressed or skirts at all. Sometimes even if you have her trust she will sometimes still be a bit mysterious and keep everything to herself.

She also likes to act like a boy, so she cross-dresses. To her when she cross-dresses she can be more herself (but as a guy). She will be happier and more fun. But NEVER give her sweets (even if she begs forever) she will go crazy if you give her sweets. 

On stage she is a very good performer, Very sweet, kind and nice. A complete opposite of her natural personality but she has a great poker face. 

Number Of Trainee Years: 3 1/2

Past Life: Her brother somehow got her into YG (probally secretly taping her dance and letting YG watch her dance) for a little while but she was traded because she was lazy and didn’t do much of anything. SM took her because they heard her sing, rap and dance and they didn’t want JYP to have her. It took a little while for her to start training and working hard for her career but eventually she started. (Maybe because she was bribed? Who knows? She might have had a little burst of energy).

Family Members:

Choi Seunghyun: A member of Bigbang, his stage name is Top. He is Mi Tae's older half brother. They are very close and he is slightly, I mean very over protective of her. 

Choi Harumi: Mae's mother. She works as a dance instructer. She has taught everything Mae knows that she didn't learn off the streets. She is worried that Mi Tae won't be able to take care of herself when she debuts because she can't cook and she is very messy. 

Mi Tae's Father: Well Mi Tae doens't really hang out with her dad because she spends so much time with her mother, brother and dancing. 

Family Background: She has a somewhat average family: Mom, Dad, and older brother. Her older brother is Choi Seunghyun also known as TOP from BIGBANG, well step older brother. Her mom married Seunghyun's father and had Mi Tae but goes by her Japanese/nickname, Mae. Seunghyun is very over protective of her because of her tomboyish arrogant personality. He wants to make sure she wont get into any kind of troble because trouble just loves to follow her. 

She will tell everything to her brother, but she hates it when he buts into her life. So sometimes she hangs out at the park to cool her head. She is also part of a dance crew/parkour group called Silver Moon. Her family doesn't know about this though (not even her brother *gasp*). Her parkour group has mostly boys and only two girls. Herself and one of her bestfriends, Mai. Mai is one of the best dancers in the group and likes to teach Mae new tricks. Everyone in the group can dance well. 

Her mom would put her through many dance classes. She incorporated her parkour into her dancing style so she loves to do lifts and lots of dangerous stunts. She also loves to go to under ground hip hop clubs with her brother and compete with her rap and dance. 



-Dancing (tango, ballroom, hip-hop, b boy)


-Her bro




-Videogames (she rocks at these)


-Skate boarding


-Wearing different colored contacts (purple, red or blue)



-Fan girls (they scare her)


-People who mess with her

-Girls who fawn over her brother

-Annoying people (like the really annoying people)

-Spicy foods

-Horror movies 



-Playing video games with her brother

-Collecting hats and shoes




-Messing with people/pulling pranks

-Ruining fan girls dreams about her brother



-Playing with her hair when she is concentrating

-Randomly dancing if she hears music

-Humming when she gets bored

-Talking a lot to keep her self awake at night

-Singing in the shower

Talents: DJ, and acting.



- She has a lot of cute stuffed animals in her

- Most of witch are dragons and cats

- Has been mistaken as TOP's girl friend but this was cleared up by the prof of them being siblings

- Likes to cross-dress

- Cannot stand being called "TOP's younger sister" She has an name too you know

- Her room is very dark (everything is either black or purple)

- Has been mistaken as a boy, often 

- Doesn’t mind being called a boy

- Favorite snack: Oreos 

Relationship Information

Love interest: Lee Taemin

Ideal type: Choi Minho

Friends: CNU-B1A4, Luna-F(x), GD-BIGBANG

Best friends (maximum of 3): Amber- F(x), Eunhyuk-Super Junior

Rival: Taeyeon. Mae has this one sided rival thing with Taeyeon because she saw her flirting with Taemin one day. Apperently she over reacted a bit. 


Idol Information

Position: Main Dancer

Personal Fanclub: Dark Angles

Singing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxUPQB1UU1o&feature=relmfu

Dancing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf481FIzplU&list=FLRlS2uenjNwjeFPUWHgvclA&index=11


Other Infromation

Anything I Missed Out: Unless you want any persona, mine would be The beautiful machine. Then nope!!!

What You Want To Say: This seems like a really fun group. ^.^ I can’t wait to see who you choose! Hope you liked my application!!! 

Password: Lee Taemin




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