Happy Bithday Gukkie~! (BecauseTechnicallyItIsHisBirthdayInKorea)




~ Bang Yongguk ~

I’ve thought long and hard about what I was going to put in this post. I literally spent hours writing and rewriting it in hopes of getting it as perfect as possible. I wanted to express all the love and affection I have for you and how happy I am to get to celebrate this day with you. But then I realized something. I realized that all those cheesy, sentimental words and long drawn out sentences that I was writing just to tell you three little words would’ve made you cringe and more than likely a little sick. (Go on, admit it. You really would get queasy.) *laughs affectionately* No, my Gukkie is a simple, straight forward man who has trouble showing his feelings and likes for people to just shut up and get to the point when they’re speaking to him~

 Yet despite these supposed “faults” and ignoring your aversion to anything lovey dovey; I love you and I’m going to tell you just how much. Everything about you I love~ From your contagious gummy smile and deep voice to your amazing personality and dislike of skinship. Some people may hate the fact that you don’t speak your affections but I love it. (Though I admit I do sometimes get annoyed with it~ But I still love the fact that you’re the way you are~) I love how you shoot me stupid smiles; stare at me for no reason, and how you’re always so gentle with me. I love how with each touch, hug, caress, and kiss I can feel all the love and affection you have for me. All those subtle hints mean and say so much more than those three little words ever could. (Even if my heart does skip a few beats, my breathing picks up, and I get little butterflies in my stomach whenever you do tell me you love me.) You have no idea how much I wish I could be half as incredible as you are and despite what you think I don’t deserve you. You’re always taking care of me, protecting me, and spoiling me. Literally making me your “princess” sometimes~ When I’m always causing you trouble and burdening you. So today I hope you’ll let the tables turn and let me spoil you. Let today be just about you and no one else~

I love you Yongguk and Happy Birthday. I’m sorry that the gifts aren’t as nice as the one I got you on Valentine’s Day but it’s hard to one up something like that. But I did my best~! I hope you like them and remember! Today is your day so do, speak, say, ask, demand, order, or whatever else you want.

Here are your gifts!!!


✽  ✽      


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happy belated birthday appa ouo
/jumps you

and nice message umma owo b
it's lovely! ^^
saengil chukahae, yongguk-ssi! ^^
live a great life with himchan! ^^
_yonggukie #3
/stares at the gifts
/pouts slightly
--sunqkyu #4
/claps my hands; smiles
it's great, Himchan-ssi....
oh, and I hope both of you will be together forever..
this. is. too. cute...